3.5 D&D Character

  • Thread starter Thread starter Shai Gar
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I am making a Wizard character called Pantalone the Fanciful, complete with techno colour dreamcoat.. err robes.
24 year old Duskblade Genasi named Elamros

He is a Montebank Duskblade who carries around a lute and a rapier, dressed in bright Purple and Gold silk and cotton. This is to trick people into assuming he's a Bard, and thus not expecting his arcane mastery. Under his deep green velvet cape he carries two hand crossbows, attached to his thigh for immediate long range use. He's a scoundrel unimportant nephew of a lord in the Southern coastal territories who has decided to range out into the chaotic lands to find a place he can call his own. But first, he needs allies and power...

Low in Charisma, he is nevertheless a highly intelligent strategist and powerful warrior.

24 year old Duskblade Genasi named Elamros

He is a Montebank Duskblade who carries around a lute and a rapier, dressed in bright Purple and Gold silk and cotton. This is to trick people into assuming he's a Bard, and thus not expecting his arcane mastery. Under his deep green velvet cape he carries two hand crossbows, attached to his thigh for immediate long range use. He's a scoundrel unimportant nephew of a lord in the Southern coastal territories who has decided to range out into the chaotic lands to find a place he can call his own. But first, he needs allies and power...

Low in Charisma, he is nevertheless a highly intelligent strategist and powerful warrior.

1st level Spells:
  • Chill Touch: an attack spell you can use arcane channeling on, it’s a good spell anyway but hold off until level three for it. What this spell lacks in damage it makes up for in utility, it saps your opponents strength and panics undead, useful for when you find yourself up to your neck in zombies (happens to everybody)
  • True Strike: This is an awesome spell for you, you can use it with a ranged attack, with your melee weapon or any ray (or other touch attack spells) spells you have, it’s so good you should never pass it up.
  • Expeditious Retreat (swift): one of the few defensive spells you have, you’ll need it to run away and regroup, your party will thank you for it. It’s also great for just getting around.
  • Shocking Grasp: this is your next best spell to use with arcane channeling, not as useful as chill touch, but it deals a heck of a lot more damage, and it makes metal wearing enemies easier to hit as well.
  • Obscuring mist: another great spell for making a get away and controlling a battlefield
  • Color spray: It’s a save or lose spell, and it will be good for a while.
  • Blade of blood: this spell is great for a you since it adds damage dice to your next attack, you can pump it at the cost of hp and it’s a no save and no spell resistance spell. It will last you quite a while really,
  • Ray of enfeeblement: this spell will drain the strength right out of your enemy, which makes it hard for him to kill anyone. Good against fighters, barbarians and other high strength enemies.

2nd level spells:
  • Bull’s Strength: +4 strength will certainly help your melee game out.
  • Cats Grace: +4 dexterity will certainly help your defensive game out, it also helps you hit stuff at range.
  • Dimension Hop: not as awesome as Dimension door, but it will let you move around the battlefield quickly so you can cover a downed warrior or get back and protect the mage.
  • Fly (swift): defensive buff, if they can’t hit you they cant kill you, it also beats climbing those pesky walls.
  • Invisibility (swift): strong defensive buff, it also good for scouting out an area

3rd level spells:
  • Doom scarabs: this spell has good damage and the benefit of giving you a little temporary hp.
  • Energy surge: this spell isn’t that great by itself, but when you combine it with your arcane channeling it gets pretty good.
  • Halt: it sticks them in place for a turn, good for stopping something from bum-rushing your wizard buddy, that’s about it.
  • Magic weapon (greater): this spell is significantly better than its little brother. You can enhance ammunition with it and it grows better with time.
  • Protection from energy: another strong defensive buff, especially if you know what kind of monsters your facing.
  • Ray of exhaustion: good all around debuff spell with no drawbacks, even if they make their save.
  • Regroup: this spell is a great spell, its part utility part battlefield control. I’ve got some a couple of good tricks with this.
  • Vampiric touch: this is your mid level arcane channel spell, it deals good damage and sucks life, what more do you want?

4th level spells
  • Bigby’s interposing hand: good battlefield control spell here, its hard to get around and you can use it protect casters.
  • Dimension door: way better than dimension hop, it gets you around the battle field, out of danger and to places you normally can’t go. See the neat tricks section for some cool stuff on this spell.
  • Dispel magic: finally you have a way to deal with pesky clerics (or other duskblades), never ever, ever, and I mean ever skip this spell
  • Fire shield: nice spell here, gives your enemies something to think about when they fight you. It doesn’t deal that much damage But now you can deal damage when its not your turn, buahah
  • Toxic weapon: this spell helps out your combat ability and it lasts for a lot longer than all of your other buffs.

5th level spells
  • Chain lightening: battlefield control, and pure damage spell, good at that
  • Disintegrate: It’s a really high damage ray spell, good against most targets.
  • Hold monster: significantly better than Halt, this spell will let you or your fighter cope de grace the enemy.
  • Waves of fatigue: this spell is pure battlefield control, it renders enemies useless, allowing your allies to pick them off at range.
I have a half fey half gnome Druid. Fear her tiny might! Though in her first incarnation she was half halfling and a warlock, she shall be reborn as a gnome druid though because warlocks are boring.
A half-elven Eldritch Knight. For honorable, close-combat fighting, dual-wielding short swords is much preferred. In the event of a tide of incoming enemies, or long range situations, he has an affinity for fire much in the same vein as Roy Mustang from Fullmetal Alchemist. When bored, dual-wielded flaming swords are a favorite for sheer intimidation factor if nothing else.