+1 Sentence to an Absurd Story game | Page 7 | INFJ Forum

+1 Sentence to an Absurd Story game

They all saw the light and took it as confirmation of the existence of a higher power
When they realized something greater than themselves existed they developed unimaginable abilities.
Like complete immunity to logical arguments
So naturally they decided on name for their group and began calling themselves The liberals.
It was a true paradise as no conservatives could be found.
But as the liberals let everyone do what they want, the economy collapsed, crime skyrocketed and the whole country burst into flames
So they decided to change their group name again, this time the chose Time Bandits.
They ended up stuck on a spaceship millions of light years away where an angry scottish scientist ran experiments on them
Then a compassionate Danish activist showed up with a cloaking device that enabled all of them to get away to another world.
The worlds inhabitants were small and here the little people were actually considered giants.
The giants spared no expense when it came to soft furnishings; but they seemed to have remarkably poor taste for such an advanced civilization.
The bandits, finding themselves in the awkward position of waning gratitude to their selfless benefactors started murmuring among themselves late at night, in back-rooms decked with beige and pastels.
Then a few time bandits who called themselves "politicians" went forth to open a dialogue between the Giants and time bandits.
The ones that called themselves politicians found they had little in common with anyone and in fact did not even speak the same language.
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And then held a funeral for all the puppies born with incurable heart conditions.
Struck by this emotional event they took an MBTI test.