
  1. Vaguethinker

    What do I do about possible infidelity?

    For context I am 20 and still living with my family. I think my stepdad may have cheated on my mom and I’m not sure how to proceed. My mom has been gone on a trip for work the past three weeks. And a week later, one night my stepdad told me he was going out to the bar with a friend that I...
  2. Chackabuu

    Surrounded by??

    What MBTI typing, other than your own, are you mostly surrounded by in your daily lives? For whatever reason, I can't escape ISFP's. My mom and multiple friends have turned out to be ISFP. I appreciate how they are able to go with the flow more than myself, but they frustrate me when they don't...
  3. Griffinheart

    NF's who love their Family

    I've always had a rough time connecting with my family and especially my mother. After looking back on the experiences we had together, the good, the bad, I've come to realise that they're the only people I can truly rely on in the world. My ISTJ mum is cold and very sour most days and I have...
  4. M

    Do you experience this?

    Hi all, I’ve noticed a trend with some of my friends and family that I’m wondering if you can relate to. Basically when people meet me they make a snap judgement about who I am based on how I’m going in my life at the time. Oftentimes in the past I haven’t been doing so well, so they may have...
  5. Fallible

    I need help breaking down the wall surrounding my soul

    It has been almost a year since I started living alone in my own apartment after having lived with my parents since I was born. I recently turned 22, working a full time job that I don’t like. The plan was to spend all of my free time working on my passion and eventually get a job in that field...
  6. Gaze

    Growing up with siblings or relatives

    What was your experience like growing up with siblings or extended family such as cousins (or close relatives) who were regular part of your lives (not just occasional visitors)? Did it strongly affect how you grew as a person? Did having family members around regularly changed how you look at...
  7. Trent

    The Power of the Kindred-spirit

    Right now, this moment, I am going to say I love this forum. You all know very well how I feel and you know I have trepidation expressing this as well. I (we) are so freaking gun shy. Der, keep getting shot! INFJ terminators assemble. Ok, wonderful tangent introduction. Since joining this...