
  1. Akanksha

    Dating ESFP and tips for small talk

    Hi guys! I hope you're all doing fine. Well I need some advice with how things are going on, guess in shitty at it with minimum experience. So I met this ESFP online and we had few conversation (which weren't inought for me to know someone) but he initiated to meet. Im trying to meet new...
  2. Nets

    Dated an ESFP. Broke up and now wants us to pretend we are together for a party. What gives????

    I (F32) posted a couple of weeks ago asking for advise on what to do with a sweet/good guy (M31) that checked some of my boxes. I’m so glad I listened to you all and held off on ending it before I really got the chance to hash out the issue (of overdrinking in parties to the point of the point...
  3. D

    [INFJ] Some reflections on my relationship with my ESFP SO (and questions/advice?)

    Hi all... Just joined to post this. Essentially I have been looking for some general relationship advice and I thought some advice from fellow INFJs would be a good place to start... Sorry if this is long. If you want the TLDR version, basically I have broken up with my ESFP partner of 4...
  4. D

    [INFJ] Some reflections on my relationship with my ESFP SO (and questions/advice?)

    Hi all... Just joined to post this. Essentially I have been looking for some general relationship advice and I thought some advice from fellow INFJs would be a good place to start... Sorry if this is long. If you want the TLDR version, basically I have broken up with my ESFP partner of 4...