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  • My one legged pug likes only two things. Banana pudding and swinging in the baby swings.
    So get bent saru!!
    i've never heard of those mountains in my life
    fyi i'm not american lol idk why it seems like most americans expect people worldwide to know minute details about their geography
    Lol!, what's funny is it comes out neutral since you're in the neutral zone, haha.
    I'm there waiting for you, baby
    but srsly
    I am fed up with extroverts. I want to force them to read a transcript of everything they say in a day. I'm not sure if the geneva convention would be ok with this though?
    In Socionics, Fi is the ability to "judge the distance between two people" (which, in MBTI would be Ni+Fe), and Ne would be looking at all the possible outcomes of the Base and creating certain standards to achieve for oneself and for others (again, Ni+Fe). So it amounts to the same thing, basically.
    Because Js are rational types and Ps are irrational types. F and T are rational functions and N and S are irrational functions. So Base Fi and Creative Ne = INFj.

    The function definitions are very different from MBTI, so it might be hard to reconcile the two at first, but basically, there's no J/P switch. INFj = INFJ, ENTp = ENTP and so on. Just read the type descriptions and you'll do fine.
    :/ I wish you would read things people link you to instead of bluffing them. That's one of the reasons people are annoyed at you.

    Socionics is a wildly different system than MBTI, so don't confuse Socionics Ni for MBTI Ni. If you can relate to the socionics description of ILE, then you are ENTP in MBTI as well. For comparison, read the ENFj (EIE) description as well and see which fits better.

    I'm pretty sure INFj (EII) won't fit you at all. I'm linking you to Socionics descriptions, btw, because MBTI descriptions are full of so much fluff, it's easy to see yourself in every type.
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