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    I can't seem to get enough of the grass and flowers..and just outside in general lately : )
    The feeling of the grass, wet with dew between my toes is oh so pleasurable.

    And I kinda got tired of all the comments (mostly rep ones though lol) but it's ok, I do liek this one better :D

    Green is my favourite <3
    Yep ^^

    People were getting freaked out by my other one, but I still wanted a green one lol.

    I have been feeling very "earthy" lately...I wonder if it's because my sign is about to make its entrance :D
    Hey dream!! It's going, it's going. Not really going, haven't started it. :p I'm working on a new one tho it's a called a donkey and his bal.
    Well, you are on my cool list, and people on my cool list end up on my friends list XD
    You are very welcome.

    Thanks for the comment lovely :)

    I was quite surprised that I hadn't added you already
    Just past you in post count. Oh yeah, I'm winning, I'm winning. Oh yeah. Can you catch me? Answer: Probably yes. I have to go. Chow for now dream. :p
    Don't tell @questingpoet this but I'm questioning if he/she is an immortal 8-ball at all. My mortal 8 ball only gives one liners!! I'll get you @questingpoet, I'll get you. :p
    You're in a lose-lose situation aren't you?

    How odd, I usually find myself in win-win situations.

    Well, you're probably still on your road to finding who you are. I guess it's easier for some people than it is for others? I don't know :3 But I'm sure, eventually, you'll probably find it. ^^
    huh? Why not?
    The "need" to have a purpose isn't really a need to begin with, for me... at least.. I mean, really, it's not logical at all when reality inherently has no purpose to begin with. Or at least,I don't think humans will most likely not be able to determine the meaning to life anytime soon. I don't think we'll able to even find out if there IS meaning or not.

    In the end "purpose" is a personal thing... It's all relative, there is no "definite" in my opinion... but there doesn't have to be one... You just accept who you are, accept what you want/what you need and go with it. Whether you know it's a "lie" or not doesn't really matter.

    I don't really feel I have a purpose in living? I mean... It's a bit crazy and pretentious in my opinion if you did..... Ultimately you'd be fooling yourself right? I don't know, that's how I interpret it.

    Some people need to take things less seriously and get a chill pill or something. Or else they might drown themselves in their own little reality.

    We're probably saying the same thing deep down. But we just have opposing views on reality?
    Odd, I revel in the fact that the definite, the universal, is a concept ungraspable by man. That's interesting isn't it? Maybe I convinced myself that I don't really need anything, not even the fact that I need to know something. I am liberated from those external dependencies. Even the fact that I know I don't need anything becomes hazed, vague, unimportant.
    It's not about not caring :p It's about having faith and a positive outlook on the future. You can't progress if you're always muddling about the past (AKA things you cannot change). Having a proactive stance is the only way to go! Be introspective and utilise it in the best possible way for future endeavours :D

    It's easy to blame the lackings... But being critical of our shortcomings doesn't get us as far as us using the tools we have to their best! It'll be fine, worrying is ok, as long as you know you will use it productively for the future.
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