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  • I don't think so. MC was clearly baiting with the thread titles and ignored several meditation offers. P left on his own accord after causing a big mess.
    idk why, but I just got the image of you being an old sage, sitting in your chair with a pipe on top of a grassy hill, observing all of us new staff, watching ever so intently, but silently, as we all run around with naiive vigor and spunk. And it just makes you smile and nod. haha.
    You just gave me a rep..
    and I don't know what to say :$
    Thanks <3
    You and your presence means so much to me TLM. Thank you for being such a great guy. I believe I will stay. I really like everyone here, even Shai.. although I think he occasionally gets out of hand. I just don't want him to think he can use me as his pawn... I'm okay.. just going through crap.. I look forward to more of your interesting posts. Hope everything really is settled.. :hug:
    Could I ask you why you're not an admin anymore?
    Alright I will try and hold down the fort as best as I can. I will be up for another 2 hours or so. Hopefullly someone will be on for me to pass the torch on to. If not, I'll just tell them that we will pick it up again tomorrow when mods are on.
    You're going out of town! Oh noes, who's going to watch my rear and make sure I don't get myself banned?! D:
    Alright. I'll get to it, then. Thanks for being so 'concerned' (aka on the arse about it) :P

    No really, I'll get to it though.
    Haha I've been busy :P ....getting yelled at.

    I'll give you one for sure tomorrow no matter how lame it is. Aye?
    I don't.. that was taken with a camera phone.. Most of my pics are. That pic I posted was done professionally, so I know it's high res.. don't know if I have any others but I can look.. By the way, great project. :D I look forward to seeing your work.
    May we chat briefly again?
    I actually have something kind of substantial to say, this time.
    "I take it you don't want to discuss this in a mediation thread after all, then?"

    Gotta love how you ignore everything said to you.
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