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  • Listening to X-mas music as I type. It's given me a strange reputation. I'm the x-mas weirdo or something. :der:

    I just love to spread the Christmas joy. That's all. Btw, I never believed in santa. :)
    I think that you are a sensible person who doesn't find poisonous alcohol appealing :P
    I understand...
    Things aren't that good for me today. My Keurig coffee pot decided to break on me this morning. So I figure it wasn't a big deal b/c there is one at work. I get in and see that that Keurig died too. I mean WTF, right? Keurigs are dropping like flies around here. I really thought that someone must have been playing a joke on me (that God, he gets me every time! Sneaky bastard). I have issues without (or even with) coffee, Ada. So, today hasn't started out great.
    But in general, things are going pretty good :)
    I may not be laughing, but I hope that gave you a chuckle ;)
    Yeah music is cool that way, how our memories and what we were doing and the people associated becomes attached to them. I stopped listening to Slipknot completely for years after i saw them live and they behaved like asshole douchbags. I know what you mean about the quality, its weird seeing VHS now, lol, just looks blurry. Sometimes i feel like one of those old people, when i think back and reminisce that so much has changed so quickly. Kids are so lucky these days little ungrateful brats! Anyways its been good talking to you. Im off to bed now because my brain is past its expiry time for today. Hope you enjoy the rest of your day!
    Haha, i use to listen to SOAD when i was studying. I thought it was great perky study music that got the blood flowing. But yes, probably neurotic. I agree it depends on the mood- i like all genres and its nice being able to select music to suit your mood, especaily since there is so much readilly available on the internet now. It makes me feel like a kid in a candy store. Not like having to buy cds or tape songs of the radio
    yeah deftones were great too. I still enjoy it all and listen forthe nostalgia but sometimes i laugh because it sounds neurotic. Especaily stuff like Hole and NIN. Good memories though. How good were those older real music videos!
    I liked both songs, thanks! :m032:

    Actually I downloaded a Daughter EP (The Wild Youth) after you sent me that first song. She has a really beautiful voice. And I safely received your mail, so thanks for that too, my dear. :)
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