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  • Ahaha! I saw 'part three' and I was like "Whaaaat?!" but I've read them now. Thanks for replying so in depth! I'll get back to you soon. Maybe a bit at a time. :)
    Oh yes, I will do, thanks! I'm hoping someone will give me Lolita for's been on the to-read list for a long time. I've seen Naked Lunch around a lot, butnever checked it out. I will have to do so now!
    I'm trying to think of anything I could recommend. I have just started reading Water for Elephants and I'm having to say, I'm really enjoying it. I love the main character.
    I saw a man who could do that on TV. Does it work all the time? Heavy-ish metal things as well? I'll get replying to the PM you sent now as well. :)
    I actually have not read most of those but some of them are really high up on my list!!
    Nice leotard, by the way. Where'd you learn to dance like that? So hot. :mcute:

    Sigh...... No, I haven't. If only. :loco:

    Is it that time of month or something? lol. Eat your little heart out, dear. The gingerbread man kind of reminds me of you.

    Ooooh you are pretty...*just looked at profile pic*

    Last time I wore leggings on my period, I had to use the bathroom, and I took off the leggings, forgetting about the underwear, and peed into my undies XD
    I know, it's like a strange, evil creature that lives in my lady bits. :C I remember this one time, I was staying the night at a friend's house and I randomly woke up and BAM! The cramps were so bad that I crawled along the floor (couldn't even walk) sobbing while trying to reach my bag and it's wonderful, glorious bottle of Ibuprofen. But most of the time it really almost has no effect. o_O So weird. Ladies = strange beings.
    I really went too far for polite company. I responded to your comment about not being into *ahem* and I fake teased you for being a prude while using a bunch of profanity about not liking it if someone *horrible unladylike word* on you during the act.

    I'm pretty classy when I want to be ;)
    At the moment I am reading Carlos Ruiz Zafons new novel...The Prisoner of Heaven. It's ok, but it's nothing great. It feels a little like a movie sequel....its enjoyable enough but nothing I'd highly recommend! A friend of mine visited earlier and brought me two books...Mommies Who Drink (As a mommy who drinks I'm hoping to get a few giggles!!) and Eat, Pray, Love. The latter isn't usually my style, but I figured I'd give it a go at some point as I read too much heavy stuff!
    What are some of your tried and tested books then? Sorry for so much book talk...I really like books! :)
    It sounds like we are fairly similar then! I think I like the idea of fantasy more than I like fantasy itself. I'm always on the lookout for good fantasy reads, because when it's done well it can be wonderful.

    I started reading a new book after Anna K last night, and I'm already half way through. This makes me feel good, but worries me that I won't get all the work I'm supposed to get done today because I decide to keep taking reading breaks!

    What was a good book you read recently?
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