Recent content by YourFavoriteNightmare | INFJ Forum

Recent content by YourFavoriteNightmare

  1. YourFavoriteNightmare

    Is Your Enneagram Healthy for Your MB Type? Agree/disagree with healthy/unhealthy correlations? Additional thoughts/theories/ideas on the matter? For me: 5w6...That's healthy. 6, not so much. But you can only "wing" with the number...
  2. YourFavoriteNightmare

    Yet another INxP thread

    It is possible. We can develop all the functions. However, our functional stack, reflected by the preferences, indicate what we prefer. An INFJ may have a strong standing in Fe and Fi. However, this INFJ will prefer to use, and make use of, Fe. Now, let's take our said INTP, they can have a...
  3. YourFavoriteNightmare

    Yet another INxP thread

    The one thing I have to say is that INTPs can very much so be passionate in their beliefs. Ti is willing to defend its judgments if challenged. If an untruth is raised, this quiet INTP will open up and actively defend it. So don't be deterred from that. But could be Fi, too. Just the world of...
  4. YourFavoriteNightmare

    Most Powerful/Painful Human Emotion?

    Quite good categorization actually. Spiky is intense and sharp. Fluffy are soft and subtle. Languid are the droning on(how I'm thinking of it), lethargic ones. Void are the empty nothing-ness. Yes, the Fluffy are quite harmless. Spiky can be destructive while Void can devour; swallow up. The...
  5. YourFavoriteNightmare

    So, what's your multiple intelligence IQ?

    Self would be intrapersonal. Inter - means "in the midst of", "together", "mutually", etc. Intra means "within". Think of the "A" in "intra" of intrapersonal to mean "alone".
  6. YourFavoriteNightmare

    So, what's your multiple intelligence IQ?

    Self (Intrapersonal) 3.71 Logic/Math 3.57 Language 3.57 *shrugs* Not surprised. Typical NT with interest in psychology/personality scores. And I believe Ni dom as well. We seem to have Self somewhere in the top three across the INJs.
  7. YourFavoriteNightmare

    Can brutal honesty be cruelty

    Not at all. If they get hurt, they're the one emotionally sensitive. Usually brutal honesty is paired with being rude and unmannerly, due to an unawareness of social etiquette. Its intentions aren't malevolent, therefore, not cruel in any way. The intentions may have even been benign. Like a...
  8. YourFavoriteNightmare

    Thoughts on US Government Shutdown

    Haha, Fe aux alright. Preserve the peace if you want to preserve your behind.
  9. YourFavoriteNightmare

    Thoughts on US Government Shutdown

    Same here. But I just don't hate anymore. Now, I just don't care.
  10. YourFavoriteNightmare

    Give a nickname to the user above

    SparkRay. *shrugs* I got nothing. That was the first thing that came to mind. Possibly related to the avatar...
  11. YourFavoriteNightmare

    Thoughts on US Government Shutdown

    Or maybe there's a bunch of stubborn people who want to hold onto their "great" ideas or save face. But, hey, a little faith in humanity works too.
  12. YourFavoriteNightmare

    Thoughts on US Government Shutdown

    Well, I'm being intelligent today. Will fix that.
  13. YourFavoriteNightmare

    Thoughts on US Government Shutdown

    Read on this a little bit. One article stated "It was designed to force those people to pay more for coverage, in order to subsidize insurance for people with incomes near the poverty line, and those with chronic or costly medical conditions." The neutrality of the article is questionable...
  14. YourFavoriteNightmare

    Thoughts on US Government Shutdown

    I do know that you will be fined if you don't have Health care beginning in Jan 2014.