Is Your Enneagram Healthy for Your MB Type?

We might roughly associate the Five with INTs (INTPs and INTJs) and the Four with INFs (INFPs and INFJs). . . . While INTPs may function healthily as 5w4s and INFPs as 4w5s, it would be highly unusual and probably unhealthy for INTPs to test as Fours or INFPs as Fives.

Funny thing is I was tested as 4w5 when I first took Enneagram few years ago. Then tested 5w4. Most recently, I've consistently tested as 6w5. If I am INFPs I wasn't an emotionally healthy INFP when I got 4w5. IF I am INTP, it could be possible to be 5w4 since I am an investigator of sorts. Five could fit just as well as Six.

One of the main features of Sixes is their lack of consistent self-confidence in formulating their own belief system. This prompts them to look outside themselves—to individuals, groups, organizations, etc.—for guidance and support. In this regard, the Six correlates with Myers-Briggs Sensing, since Sensing types are less equipped to deal in theories and abstractions.

This is true for me but I disagree with their analysis that this is mostly consistent with Sensors. I'm pretty good with theories and concepts. It's easier for me to grasp abstract ideas than concrete concepts.

it would be least healthy for INFJs or INTJs to identify as Sixes, as they are the types best equipped to produce their own original theories by way of their Ni.

Not sure if this would support or oppose my typing as INFJ since I don't think I have dominant Ni. I like exploring possibilities in theory which is more Ne.
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I'm an enneagram 3w4 and I'm pretty confident in that assessment. For a while, I thought I was a 7w6 but I lack the exuberance of 7's. What really cinched it for me was the "holy idea" of each type and how I react to stress.

Each Enneagram type has a “Holy Idea” that describes the fundamental fixation of the type. According to traditional Enneagram theory, each Holy Idea represents one facet of existence. The Holy Idea of Type Three is hope, which is defined as “the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best.” Type Three is also an image type (like Two and Four), which means that their primary sphere of action is in the world of perception — both of themselves and others. If you place the holy idea of Hope within the realm of image, you start to understand the core motivation of the Type Three; they modify their image in order to gain what is wanted.

I'm usually a little bit skeptical about cross-pollinating enneagram with MBTI, but the inferior function as contributing to a particular ego drive is a nice way to fishtail the two theories.
I like a lot of the stuff that A.J. Drenth writes, but i dont like this article. I think its simplistic and not well thought out.

I do think that perhaps it is possible to have a healthier/unhealthier mbti/enneagram combo- but i dont think the reasoning in this article explains this very well
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Enneagram 3 (Three)

Healthy (according to the article):
For Promoting/Motivating: EFJs, ENPs
For Status/Wealth: ESPs

I score as ESFJ, but I'm borderline E/I (1% E over I) and borderline J/P (1% J over P). That would make my Enneagram at least partly healthy for my MBTI according to this article, I guess. It seems that they forgot to mention ambiverts here.

I don't know if I agree with the proposed healthy/unhealthy correlations. My knowledge on the subject is insufficient.