Oh okay, that's fair enough

Nawh, cute! Will you be okay by yourself, though? I hope someone is checking up on you xD.
Ohh! Good! If anyone tries to break into your house, you know what to do!

I suggest rewatching the movie for tips!
Nawh, thank you! >_<! There will be a lot of people there which is why I'm nervous xD! Uni is boring because I'm over the people in my classes, lol. In my class yesterday, these girls were talking to the group about how drunk they were on the weekend :\ and basically calling a friend of theirs a slapper because she had sex with someone they knew. I was a little over it lol.
Thanks! I can't get over how long they've been together! It's kind of crazy really lol.
I'm sorry D: ! I tried to do more but I was restricted ): !
<3 <3 <3 <3!