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  • Heh. This is supposed to be an INFJ domain where the moderating parties are of INFJs, by INFJs, and for INFJs. Oh well. It's not a perfect domain. :)
    I see. Seems the issues are hard ones. *hugs* Want to talk about it?
    Did you feel better afterwards?

    I think a lot of Introverts do live inside their head lol. But living through emotions is probably a different thing. Either one is being very connected with their emotions, or the issues are very strong.

    For direct dealing with it, I often.....overthink. Why did I do this or feel that, why the world made this or that to me; what can I do, etc. Not always directly helpful, helps gaining perspective.
    For indirect dealing with it, I made stories and draw pictures. You know, the usual way; putting an element of your life inside a story and half-analyze, half-soothe it.

    ....which, see, it's funny; just yesterday I -almost- had the same thing happened like you; I was imagining things at family dinner at a restaurant and suddenly the emotions just.....filled the brim and I almost wept. It's like, I accidentally put too much connection during that event (and the dinner, not exactly interesting) so.... yeah.

    How does being funny helped you to deal with your problems?
    Aw *hands over a tissue* I've never been able to start crying on the spot, without making the conscious decision to cry sometimes I wish I could...
    What kind of drugs/stuff were you on? I got a prescription the other day for some anti-anxiety (anti-depr) meds that I'm considering taking. I'm a bit weary of the side effects, including the numbing/clouding effect some drugs can have, but I'm also curious about any potential benefits. Ironically, my anxiety/mood shifts can bring me into a state in which I can't think logically/clearly, so maybe it will be worth it? I haven't decided yet.
    I've tested and posted them here, in the thread in the psych. tests section (and ruminated on the matter). Almost always high Fe and Ti, with similar scores for Ne and Ni. After that, for perceiving functions, comes Si, followed by Se as my most undeveloped. My F/T scores are always more ambiguous than my N/S. I have a feeling I used to have stronger use of Fi when I was younger, but I don't know what happened. Much has come to pass in recent years, and I've gone through some changes, so I'm still trying to get a more concrete idea of who I am. Not that I've ever been a huge fan of "concrete ideas," but in this instance it would be kind of nice...
    Oh well, not too concerned about it. I usually test as INxx. First result I ever got, some years back, before I knew anything about MBTI was ENTP. Then it was usually INxP, but these days the J/P is murky, as well (and I'm not as P-ish as I used to be).
    oof, I know that feeling. That's a bonus point for you to be able to manage it all.
    It's really hard, but it's likely to be worth it in the end. Be strong :D

    Does the have a specific reason or so?
    How do you deal with it?

    I'm mostly fine. XD today I'm doing almost nothing up to now.
    Be careful of the imagery... if there is anything I've learned about reading the bible is that nothing is what it seems. One of my religion teachers always told us to be mindful about the parallels between the chapters... especially Chapter 1 and 4 in Revelations when they introduce the vision and prophecy of the seven churches compared to the prophecy of the seven seals. I also find that thinking about the meanings of numbers always help since they have a universal relation to each chapter, psalm, etc. I think Revelations is the only book that has frightened me... next to the Qu'ran.
    Oh yeah, got that... just thought that you might've been implicitly telling me to rep you.
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