Recent content by souvenir | INFJ Forum

Recent content by souvenir

  1. souvenir

    [INFJ] I have a date with an INFJ this weekend!

    How terrible that another joke in this thread I've experienced. *unsubs*
  2. souvenir

    [INFJ] I have a date with an INFJ this weekend!

    How terrible that the jokes in this thread are dates I've actually experienced
  3. souvenir

    INFJ male + INTP female

    That’s a post I would endorse. I’m surprised I didn’t like it
  4. souvenir

    Does Bill Clinton Owe Monica Lewinsky an Apology?

    Yeah agree on the double standard. It's not like she was the one that signed any contracts or took any vows. She wasn't the one that was married.
  5. souvenir


    I never thought when I was younger that soulmates were real or there was any one person for anyone but I do believe that now. I do think that if we aren't with them now, that we will work at a way to be with them, and keep working to find them in all our lifetimes.
  6. souvenir

    Does Bill Clinton Owe Monica Lewinsky an Apology?

    This. He abused his position of power by having any sort of relationship with a 22 year old white house intern. He was her boss. He was the president of the United States. Even if he wasn't any of those things there was a power and experience imbalance by the 25 year age difference. In...
  7. souvenir

    Members leaving due to Liberal Bias (Part 2)

    INFJs can be conservatives or right leaning too, it's just that they happen to mostly be liberal due to how their personality is structured and how their mind works but they exist. I think INFJ users who have political beliefs that don't align with the group or that may not be popular will...
  8. souvenir

    Members leaving due to Liberal Bias (Part 2)

    Who are we talking about? Conservatives or trolls?
  9. souvenir

    Members leaving due to Liberal Bias (Part 2)

    Lol, okay troll. There was only a small handful of actually outspoken conservatives/right leaning posters since the election of the current US president and none of them would have used the term liberaltards except for maybe one
  10. souvenir

    Why do you run out of empathy?

    Ooohhh I did this once too. You wont ever be the same though, so going back isn't much of an option. If you can, it takes a long ass time to get back. Years and years. Maybe decades.
  11. souvenir

    Are we "owed" a partner?

    This. Warped thinking. Completely reprobate.
  12. souvenir

    How much will having no friends or partners affect my professional life?

    Don't tell them. It's none of their business.
  13. souvenir

    Men: are women worth the effort?

    If you don't know that chicken soup is telling an untruth are you lying by saying chicken soup is a liar?