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Silently Honest
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  • It is lust he has, but not for mankind.

    Moreover a love for the universe and her companions.

    Besides, isn't romance apart from lust, despite rarely being seen without it?

    Pansexuality is a form of higher living sir, one we should all rise to.

    So he says.
    A little fellow named 'pan'.

    He claims to be my ability to love, nurture and admire, while also being an extension of my sexuality.

    I of course deny this, claiming such things couldn't possibly exist, but he just kicks me in the shin.


    Well, I think better for asking.

    I enjoy that avatar of yours, it would make good smoochy-smoochie 'tiem'.

    So I'm told anyway.:D
    Yeah, I'm glad the summer is here :D I need to rechaaaarge and I run only on solar energy. It's a bitch.
    That's good that it's been a good year for you :) Hopefully it stays that way!
    I wanted to wish you a happy new year!!and that 2010 be an awesome and wonderful year for you!!!!

    love, Raccoon!!!:)
    Feel free to stalk me anyday gorgeous!! <3 Merry Christmas darling!!! I hope you had an amazing one!
    Hey sweetheart!!!! It's so good to see you. Where have you been? I hope you stick around for a while. **hugs and love**
    Heee, Depending on amount of activity, vigorousness of said activity, and hygiene or nutritional issues, 2-3 hot showers should cover most things. There are other factors that could lead to more being needed though. Some people are just naturally stronger than others. As long as it’s a pleasant and non offensive aroma, you’re golden. Like Toucan Sam: Follow your nose! Hahaha. That was kind of gross, even for me. Heh.
    I had a whole “Ask a Whore” topic for just such questions. But I think people found the word whore somewhat offensive. I totally should be frosting things.
    *High fives you* Well done, young man. I'm all about the worldly fun. Its actually my new year's rezzie.. Heh.
    I'm stuck making a million Red Velvet Cupcakes currently. And I don't even want to celebrate Xmas. Boo.
    Ha! I was totally going to start stalking you if you didn't come back. Well until my attention span gave up, which has been known to happen. How have ya been?
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