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    He is quite interested in reproductive organs, if you ask me.
    I hope you're as excited as I am.

    Because booooy, the adrenalin is rushing through my body.
    I think I can safely say we're going to be good friends.
    Perhaps you should.

    And while you're at it, Pink Floyd!
    I love the emotion, it's so sincere and genuine.

    Also, I'm a hardcore RATM fan.
    You poor poor thing...what did you do as a child when you couldn't dull your brain to pointless cartoons? Don't tell me you were one of those freaky kids that actually played outside....
    You have your choice between Helgas. Either that Helga, or Helga G. Pataki.
    Yes we can. I also put some water to boil so we can have tea. You deserve it. Would you like me to get Helga to give you a massage?
    Good choice, but the question remains, will you crush the spider the side of my foot that is eating Bird? It's creeping me out.
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