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    Geef maar zoveel tips als ge wilt, het kan nooit kwaad :]
    Wat ik me altijd afvroeg, hoe nadert ge dat ene meisje, en hoe vraagt ge of ze al een relatie heeft of niet?
    Want volgens mij zijn er geen subtiele manieren om da te vragen :p
    Niet dat ik in die situatie zit natuurlijk..
    De eerste dagen waren redelijk, maar het zijn allemaal 'nieuwe' mensen rondom mij dusja :p
    girls don't like it when you borrow their pencils :(
    Nee ma serieus, ik kan ni eens op een deftig onderwerp komen en dan zwijg ik maar. Zo maak ik altijd vrienden haha.



    Sweet jesus! I haz teh internetz! Well, I have this wireless USB internet thing that I've stolen from my mate. I don't think he knows I'm abusing it. We're having proper internet soon.

    So, how's my Nela? LOL Been too long! Damn it feels good to be back on here!

    I've moved in, it's 1am right now so it's my second night. My course doesn't actually start until next week so I'm not doing anything till then. I'm gonna PM you tomorrow! Tell you all about it!

    I was gonna say, I'm gonna be needing your advice! I'm already starting to feel the INFJ pain. This kid in my house does not stop talking about clubbing and getting drunk. I narrowly missed going out tonight, to my huge relief. They didn't go in the end. I think there is a house party on Friday and this house of girls invited the whole block. Fuck me, I'm gonna die. I really, REALLY don't wanna go. If I do, I'm not going without my best mate but he might be going back home for one day, so shiiiiiiiiiiit....

    Thing is, my course hasn't even started yet so anything I do now is filler/unimportant. I wanna meet/make friends with the people on or around the course I'm on, so I need to hold out till Monday. I just want the course to start...

    I don't mind socialising it's just... I don't know these people. I need to be comfortable and trust people before I spend time with them, two things I don't have. And considering that 80% of the people I meet won't like or understand me.... yeah. I just get serious anxiety when my house mate keeps suggesting we "go out".

    I just wish I could meet an INFJ or people who understand/are aware of the MBTI. But that's probably a dream. Just seeing your avatar makes me think, "Ah, I do have at least one person who understands me". Anyway, this is too long for a visitor message. I shall PM tomorrow morning. If I'm up by then.

    God, you scared the shit out of me. Actually, I think I scared the shit out of myself, again. I'm reminded why I just tried to quit this forum.
    Shit, that whole message came across completely wrong! Let me clear this up, I didn't mean it in any bad way. I was jokingly overreacting about the film thing, I was pleased that you liked it, that's all.

    And the ups and down comment wasn't meant as a serious remark- I was just trying to make you feel better and about what you were going through by being light hearted. But it came across as flippant and rude- again, I was trying to be funny.

    Just curious though, when I have ever said something without telling you what it was about? You are one of the few people in the world I talk to candidly.

    I apologise for that message coming across all wrong, I would never be out to intentionally confuse or insult you.
    Hey Nela, how are you today? It's been a long time since I've talked to you and I just wanted to pass by and say hi to you. Have a glorious day princess :)
    It was actually...

    Anyways, I'm positive about the whole thing for the first time, it's just my student loan that still has to be dealt with. Once that is over, it's all clear, I can relax.

    Your recent events sound profound, but you have a knack for talking about something... without really talking about it. Know what I mean? I just hope you're doing alright, people treating you okay. Cuz if not, I'll punch them for you if you like, I'm pretty good at that. (Takes off alpha male hat and deflates chest)

    Quiz: How many ups and downs can Nela take in "a few days"?
    Answer: 9?

    (High 5, nodding head)
    Am I right, am I right?

    Sat in front of your computer? Good times! Working photoshop? What camera do you use? I wanna see your photos. What things do you like to take pictures of? Two friends of mine were excellent photographers.

    Oh. My. God. What is it with you? Where, why, what... how come... I don't.... This is amazing! Not only did you actually listen to my suggestion, you actually went out and got it, sat down and watched it, then you actually enjoyed it. THEN it went into your top ten!? I'm sorry, but I'm pretty blown away right now! Gosh, I... I... should I bow? Make a speech or something? I feel faint. W-where am I? My reality has been flipped up side down! You're probably the first person to do that. Okay, I'll stop now. I reckon I'll watch it again soon, you keep going on about it! It's number 23 in DVD hierarchy. Not that I have a DVD hierarchy of any kind...
    You... you missed me? :m035:

    Ha ha, I was thinking I'd better put a plug in my forum shenanigans for a few days, before you or others start to get annoyed with me. I now realise that is an impossibility! ...Nah, I've just been getting all my stuff together for uni. Moving in this Tuesday. Today, I'm on my own (finally) and couldn't resist using my dear old lass- the forum!

    Any thing equally earth shattering happen to you? Could you possibly contend with the excitement of my past few days? :eek:
    Ello darlin'


    You use this if you have a flat tire. I'm sorry, it's the only alternative until I learn how to change the wheel on a car and get it back to you.

    Also, I'm pretty sure those smilie things don't have a gender, so I think you're okay. Unless you're going for that whole, "I don't care what gender I am, fuck you" thing. In which case, you'll still be fine.

    Err... Good day to you!


    (Edit: Whoops, I think that car has a flat tire?)
    haha yeah, just tested as an ENFJ, quite funny actually my F/P is round 50-50 or there abouts, shows you that there is variation between, did so much going and out and people interaction this week, i'm having a lazy sunday in silence, whats the project on?
    it's oright now, I listened to some music and it made me feel calmer
    how have you been tho?
    Haha, I'll stop with the whole confusion thing now. Yeah I'm alright thanks, it's just been me in the house for the past few days. It's weird because I frequently feel alone but not literally. Strange feeling. It's awesome when there is no one around because I get to listen to music AS LOUD AS I WANT and sing. Not that I sing but, y'know... Also packing as much training as I can get in before I go- my legs are killing me and I nearly dislocated my finger but... it's all good! How's things with you? By the way, is your real name Nela?
    Oh shit, sorry if that message annoyed you. It WAS confusing, even I don't know what I was talking about- a common occurrence!
    Koken voor haar is inderdaad een goed idee!
    Maar tegen dat ge ze naar uw huis hebt gelokt..
    Ik denk dat het voorlopig nog maar bij de potloden-truc zal blijven.
    En als gij dat zijt, zal ik de typische reactie geven van een jonge man die commentaar geeft op een foto van een jonge vrouw op het internet: RAWR.
    De foto die ge ziet als ge op uw profiel klikt, niet uw avatar.
    Dus, eerst moet ik ervoor zorgen dat ze voor me kookt zodat ik haar complimentjes erover kan geven? Blijf me maar tips geven e ;)
    Maar om eerlijk te zijn, in zo'n situatie zou ik ni liegen :p Als het goed is, zeg ik t, als het slecht is zwijg ik.
    Vrouwen zijn zo complex :( Maar ik zal t niet doen, ik ben gewoon sexueel gefrustreerd en da komt 's avonds soms naar boven.
    Zijt gij da op de foto hierboven? ^
    I just want to touch your muffins.
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