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  • cool anywhere in particular planned? yeah took they day off today, the little buggers wore me down, its a disadvantaged school, so its 'challenging' to say the least, have to come up with a new battle plan for tomorrow,
    Haha, I tidy up when I'm bored as well. Damn, I need to hit the hay. Don't stay up too late!
    hey sorry its been a mad few weeks! been working so much! yeah I'm a ENFJ slightly more organised than i give myself credit for, been teaching in a disadvantaged school in dublin, its tough at the moment, hows life going? you in college/work?
    I don't really know what to say either, to be honest.

    I'm bored. How are you?
    Okay, you KNOW I don't send monkeys to just anyone. Especially an entourage of them!

    I appreciate your insight and advice recently, so much so, that I've dedicated a few monkeys to you. They all represent the awesome parts of... YOU! Think of it as your 8 "Monkey Functions". Hopefully this will make up for the shit you have had to put up with- from me.

    :m159: This is the strong one. You get up when you're down and keeping moving!
    :m062: This is the talented and creative one. In this case, photography!
    :m107: This is the humble one. Respectful and wary of her actions to others.
    :m080: This is the reflective one. A depth of feeling requires a depth of thought!
    :m169: This is the one that always picks you up when you're ill.
    :m142: This one is there when you're sad.

    :m144: This is the INFJ fury! For a kick up the ass or for a bit of necessary conflict
    :m027: This is the one that appreciates herself and takes credit where it's due.
    Damn, I was thinking last night of a message I could send you, but seems as I've already made your morning... I guess I'll leave that one for another day!

    Monday was hell to get through. So boring, sat on ass numbing chairs listening to mind numbing lectures on health and safety. Andy's was going through the exact same thing! He's got it worse though. It's getting better everyday but it's still there!

    I think it's Freshers Flu. It's not actually a flu but an illness associated with new uni students. The social/psychological changes cause stress and lower immune system and about 90% of students get it in their first few weeks.
    And you can never ask too many questions, it makes my day a lot less shit when I receive a message from you!
    Oh right, yeah. Well... it's a long short story. You sure you wanna hear it? Because it's bloody depressing.
    Shizzle. What happened?

    I got all night and a few more rounds of coffee left in me.
    Awwwww! Whatcha change it for!? Ha ha

    The student is good. Finished for the week. Got a day off tomorrow. YES. I can sleep in the morning! Got my timetable for the rest of the year. 5 days a week! The course is proper arty. Watched the graduation films from the 3rd years. Pretty incredible. They could be in a cinema and you wouldn't know the difference.

    We had a "party". We had to mingle with the others on the course. Pretty uncomfortable at first but then it was actually... okay. Met one girl, she was pretty awesome. She had a real good taste in film and it was like those "finishing your sentence" kind of conversations. I think she was from Finland, not sure. But she's on the Year 0. Fucking typical, aye?

    (Pulls out leather arm chair and lights a pipe)

    And how are you?
    Can you stop putting gorgeous pictures of yourself on your profile?

    It's really quite distracting.
    Om eerlijk te zijn verontrust het me een beetje dat sommige mensen naar dingen als deze moeten grijpen :/
    :] mag ik vragen wat ge gaat doen?
    Nope ik zit niet op kot, en eigenlijk woon ik in een dorpje dichtbij Leuven, maar niemand kent het dusja :p
    En om eerlijk te zijn, ik zou niet weten hoe ik moet reageren als iemand het zo direct aan mij zou vragen :O
    En ik begin de laatste tijd toch te twijfelen aan mijn intuitie ze, en ze is niet echt goed als ik 'vlinders in de buik' heb :p Dan begin ik te veel na te denken over signalen enzo.
    Maar hoe gaat het met u? :]
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