Recent content by NaeturVindur | INFJ Forum

Recent content by NaeturVindur

  1. NaeturVindur

    Rhyming game

  2. NaeturVindur

    COMPLICATED ENTP/INFJ romance. Please help to understand INFJ silence.

    well, thats a little disconfirming evidence of everything I just said.
  3. NaeturVindur

    COMPLICATED ENTP/INFJ romance. Please help to understand INFJ silence.

    From my understanding of it (from 5+ years formally studying psychology) very few people are not rebound types if given a good opportunity, and most people don't realize it when they are rebounding because they don't understand why they would rebound.
  4. NaeturVindur

    COMPLICATED ENTP/INFJ romance. Please help to understand INFJ silence.

    Thats plenty of information. I'm sorry, but my best guess is he's rebounding. In the sort of situation he was in, he would immediately gravitate towards someone kind and caring. The trouble is, he had 13 years of a relationship, and I'll guess about 11 years of a great marriage. When those...
  5. NaeturVindur

    COMPLICATED ENTP/INFJ romance. Please help to understand INFJ silence.

    Could you give us (really, me) more details on the timing? When did the marriage start and end? Then two years, then you two meet for the first time? How long was the first instance of the relationship? How long was the second attempt with the ex wife? From what you said, I can get a very...
  6. NaeturVindur

    If life gives you...

    sleep MOAR, revel in the glory of more time in a day, and give the finger to anyone who expects 16h work days. If life gives you a life straight out of heroic myths
  7. NaeturVindur

    Rhyming game

  8. NaeturVindur

    Implications of DNA from sperm staying in past partners- DEBATE!

    I don;t think this effect much effect on human reproduction. First of all, just to repeat this, this finding was NOT based in DNA. The hypothesis is that various nutrients that a male receives in early life makes their way into his seminal fluid. These nutrients then make their way into the...
  9. NaeturVindur

    Corrupt a wish

    Granted. It is full of hay, has a saddle for a lid, and a short man constantly trying to make it run. I wish my wishes at least come with hot jockeys. :D
  10. NaeturVindur

    Corrupt a wish

    granted. Modern english fossilizes into its current form, and hence forth we start referring to this language as "post-modern" english. I wish the hospital at least has decent internet access for the quarantine patients.
  11. NaeturVindur

    Corrupt a wish

    granted, AND positive is simply interpreted as adding to a situation, as opposed to removing something. I wish to get through this orientation without ending up hating someone.
  12. NaeturVindur

    How would you act differently if you knew....

    I would act no differently. I do believe in an afterlife, but I believe the point of life is to live. I'll deal with the afterlife when I get there.
  13. NaeturVindur

    terrorist action of israel vs apathy

    Just going to leave this here:
  14. NaeturVindur

    The Chair Test

    You Are Energetic and Innovative You're the type of person who can sit all day planning a new idea or a project. You like to discover and create. You are likely to have a challenging career and challenging interests outside of work. You give a first impression of being a bit obsessive. And...
  15. NaeturVindur

    The "Door Slam"

    I wouldn't say that I specifically slam doors, but more wait until they're looking somewhere else, tiptoe to the door, and slip out as quietly as possible. Doorslamming, by the name, just sounds very dramatic and explosive, which are things I try very hard to avoid. However, I also don't like...