Recent content by MemberOfSociety | INFJ Forum

Recent content by MemberOfSociety

  1. MemberOfSociety

    [PUG] Does upbrining determine whether or not your opinions are valid?

    I don't think you need to suffer feel empathy for someone else's situation, because I think that we would all cringe at the thought someone having a finger nail pulled out, though likely, very few of us have ever experienced that ourselves.
  2. MemberOfSociety

    Stone Henge.

    I can vouch for this genetic memory theory, because I certainly had the feeling of "remembering" on our trip to Europe, where I had never been in my life. Not the buildings, but on the train in the country, I really felt a sense of having been there or more like having lived there. It's very...
  3. MemberOfSociety

    Scientists say that Religion and Science can coexist

    In alot of ways, I think science proves the existence of God. If you really think about evolution, there seems to be a force or conciousness that drives it and makes decisions for it. Life is actually counter to nature in that the nature tends to take the path of least resistance, where life is...
  4. MemberOfSociety

    Things that exist outside of our senses?

    That's a good point. In fact our entire body is a symbiotic relationship in itself. Each cell co-operates with the next and communicates with every other cell in our body. There are literally billions of individual animals that make a choice to group together to create a human being. These...
  5. MemberOfSociety

    Does morality exist? Oh noes! Philosophical discussion! :O

    Morality seems to me to be much more a "local" phenomenon, than human trait. Example: Within any society, it is not acceptable to wander around randomly killing people, but the question of morality is largely ignored when two societies go to war. It becomes acceptable to kill people in large...
  6. MemberOfSociety

    You Know You're An INFJ When....

    ...when you have a feeling about someone and when you confront them about it, they deny it at the same time they break eye contact and look away...