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  • Euchre is a card game that is really big in Michigan. Everyone learns it when they are young, and my family gets a big tournament together once a year. It's kinda ridiculous how we play. Last year we were still going strong at 3am...did I mention that side of my family is crazy?

    I hope you can find a microphone soon!
    I always found it funny how fickle the voice can be. We played a 3 hours show at a bar once (NEVER AGAIN, we totally were not a bar band) and I completely wrecked my voice. I found that honey goes a long way to helping sooth and save those precious vocal chords, and fresh pineapple juice apparently keeps them healthy.

    I'm getting ready to leave for the weekend (euchre tournament at my cousin's cottage, time to make enough to buy books this fall) but I'm hoping to do some new recordings next week :D And when you get a way to do some recording, I hope you'll consider sharing. I want to hear!
    I've never had any sort of training, nor have I sang in a choir. Singing has never been natural for me so I'm constantly having to work on it just to hit the right pitches, let alone sound half-way okay. If I was in a choir or chorus I'd most likely be a tenor 2. My voice is pretty low, and like all "good" tenor 2s my range is very limited :p.

    I used to sing in a band so I practiced a lot, but I just recently started playing and singing again so my voice is really out of shape right now. I have a hard time not laughing when it cracks, breaks, or jumps in the middle of a song!
    Ah pooey, I forgot about class! Thank you, because I'd completely forgotten that I have an essay due tonight. The show sounds exciting! What's your voice range?
    That's good! I don't remember the last time I got 11 hours of sleep lol. I've been busy with summer classes, choir reheasrals, and puppet practices...We have a show for my church on the 29th. With all business aside, I have been very well :)
    I'm doing pretty well today. I just woke up...after 11 hours of sleep! It's ridiculous. I'd been really busy with work, appointments, and I drove to a show a few hours a way last night, so everything kinda caught up and I konked out for what seems like forever.

    How about you. What's new with you? :)
    lol, It's all good :) And I am doing well, a bit achy from working out but still well. How about yourself?
    Welll garsshhhh, you're purddyyyy.

    *Thats my best Goofy impression*

    So, why did you befriend a scum so lowly as me?

    Low standards?


    Fear for life?
    Aw, shucks, thanks! Also, your picture isn't working. I want to see what your eyes look like! (Yeah..that was kinda awkward to say)
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