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  • Mhm. I remember parts of myself when I read a description or take a test. I'm reminded that they're there and they exist within me. And occasionally I realize something new about myself or people in general. And it's interesting to see the differences in results over time or when I'm in a particular mood or mindset. I feel like there's a lot to be gained from testing yourself and asking yourself questions. And I think it's just fun. :p
    I love L, but I've never had an avatar of him.

    I understand that craving, I think. I take a lot of tests, too, and I screenshot all my results and save them.. haha.
    I think you answered your own question regarding the Ni conundrum. I think Ni in a creative expression sense will feel like it is going against the "standard" and in some sense it is! But not against our own perfectionist streak - because where did the perfectionist streak originate from? I would say it is the standards that we adopt from our schooling and teachings which were mainly based on defining talent through technicalities that gives rise to "our" perfectionist tendencies. In which case it is safe to assume that we "adopted" an external validation system while the Ni works to create an inner validation system solely based on your own level of happiness and skill. They will undoubtedly conlifct with one another but i think the point is to embrace the inner Ni in the way it wishes to be expressed with the intention to raise your own level of happiness and enjoyment for the singing.

    Being in the now is different for everyone and will depend on how you go about your everyday life. Some people can really get into meditation and yoga which are very much focused on learning to be in the moment. But if you don't have interest in these practices than doing things that are routine and chores can help. I find that i always get nice ideas when i am doing the dishes or cleaning my room and such. I know it can be boring but boring does help ground us in the now. I also find that knitting, crocheting and doing creative arts and hobbies is nice as well. :)
    Thanks for asking! I love musical theatre. But most plays I've seen are not musicals but typical ones put on by university theatre departments. I wanted to see Wicked the Musical but didn't have the chance. If they ever redo it, I'd love to go see. Another one I would see is Raisin in the Sun. The plays I have seen are The Importance of Being Earnest and Three Sisters(?).
    Also, I once had to play a gay irish man... I'm a straight yorkshire girl!

    I had no idea how to relate to that but I did research online, I watched tv programmes and movies with irish accents and made decisions on if he would be the camp type or not... In the end the role I had hated and feared the most became one of my favourites because it was such a big challenge. I don't think I was very good at it but I did have fun :)

    Focusing on the character always helped me. I made them real and it made me strong.
    We were classical too and yep, every single person in there were all very jazz hands and standing forth and shouting louder than everybody else. They all wanted to be the best and the loudest and the most dramatic and I was absolutely nothing like any of them lol. I stood back and watched most of the time, wondering how the hell I was ever going to fit in but staying there because I really loved it. They attracted me because I was nothing like them I think.

    The acting side was the bit I both loved and dreaded. I was actually more scared in rehearsals than during the performance, I think because when the lights are on and you can't see beyond them, and the adrenalin is there you get lost in the character. The work is done and you know what you're doing and you just, act and believe and go for it. But rehearsals... I used to shake! The rest of the cast watching me as I stuttered through my lines, struggling with my character because I was afraid they would laugh at me or think I was useless. Even worse that they would all point and shout that I was an imposter and I had no right to be there because I wasn't like them.

    The truth was they were just as caught up in themselves, but because I am a perfectionist I wanted to be perfect from the word go and it was never going to be that way. I found later that I was happiest writing and directing, my organisation skills excelled and I have a good memory so I could learn entire scripts. The problem with that was then that I became everyone's understudy and I would be back to acting, often with only a day of rehearsal before going on stage. It was terrifying but also brilliant! :)
    Ah ok. I've always been interested in some aspects of the theatre but sorry no professional experience. I do enjoy watching a good play though :)
    it's a good book to get in touch with the artistic urges :) As for the functions I do not know specifically if they hinder creativity. I assume using too much or relying too much on Ni or Ti could create blockages but not necessarily. It may all come down to how you use those functions. Ni for infjs tend to bring a lot of intuition and inner guidance which can help foster creativity. Ti can shape the creativity through intellectual means; making the creative ideas and proposals more realistic. I think as an artist we need both types. Balancing the intuitive creative urge with the rational synthesis of the Thinking function.

    the best advice i gotten about creativity has been that when it comes you must capture it and jot it down somehow. because it will be a fleeting and will come in random times. the best creative ideas come when a person is usually non stressed and relaxed state; like right after waking up or during periods where the mind is not functioning at a crazy speed. slowing down and being in the present moment also helps foster creativity. i have witnessed it in my own creative en devours and when i am stressed or preoccupied with other things; i never really receive true creative ideas and inspiration.
    i think most perfectionism stems from outside standards and what is considered "excellence" or some form of 'right" as you mentioned. All decent academies of any art and culture has a set of standards and almost always the standards are very high. it works like a measuring stick and everyone is in competition to reach the highest point. To reach this point is definitely a personal test of some sort; where you have to figure out if it is truly what you want. Perfectionism also is more about self worth than maintaining an image; although we all do care very much about what out peers think of us; it is some kind of pecking order that exists in every institution. It has it's good and bad and personal sacrifices are definitely needed to reach the high level of any field i suppose. Just comes down to how bad you want it. But reaching for this kind of glory just to prove our worth will definitely leave your emotions all messed up. The pressure on ourselves and from outside determines a lot of how we emotionally deal with it. There are people who thrive under this type of being but most artists and creative people are usually too sensitive to fully embrace the ruthless aspects of competing and outshining and such.

    Ideally it is healthy to have your own system of validation for your own efforts. But realistically if we are to achieve something great there will always be something we must overcome and work through to gain the benefits of being great. So it comes down to your own limitations and how willing you are to being uncomfortable to achieve a goal.
    You will always have your passion. it's not going to leave you. Sounds like you are stuck in the intermediate plateau. It occurs when trying to reach the next level - the last time you will be questioned if this is what you wish to do and become and it could feel like a mini crisis. You can still reach towards greatness but how you are approaching it and your overall relationship with your own self will determine everything.

    The movie was intense but very entertaining and real :)
    im very glad it helped you :)

    it's a very common problem for creative types. perfectionism is an illusion - as in we can't ever be perfect but we can get very close to excellence. i understand that the environment sometimes fuels the need to be perfect; due to competition or just plain high standards. in the end it is all about the love of it. have you seen the movie whiplash? it touches on the same themes of trying to become great at a great cost.
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