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  • Twoooooooooooooooooooooo extra :mad: I signed up for psych labs not knowing about these "extra" classes so hopefully nothing clashes. Fucken lame. Not amped for this semester quite honestly. Hope I do okay in it though. I think I am just tired right now, definitely not enough sleep! GRRR.

    I am intimidated by my classes too, esp Tactics and Military Technology since theres not that many girls in them. I'm gona try force the people who were in my Modern Warfare class with me to be my friends :3
    I hate people who talk through lectures! Like a little bit of whispering is okay, but people who talk at normal speaking volume while the lecturer is trying to talk? So rude! Some girls were full-on chatting the whole lecture today.. I wanted to smack them. I'm also really shitty because I just looked through my Tactics booklet and it appears my tactics lecturer thinks that the tutorials (which are meant to be somewhat optional - as in, I can choose one tutorial time to go to and then not have to go to the other) is just another way to say "lecture". So he's written up a timetable that includes our tutorials as lectures. LAME LAME LAME
    I ended up sitting alone haha. I always sit alone. It's okay though. First day OVER

    and we had Hells for tea, yumyumyum.
    look, it's a FIDDLE!

    Nope, not at all which is why I'm nervous. And the classes aer usually 90% male. Lol

    I know someone in my psych class though.
    Ohhh I see :p :p :)

    Yea, Mon and Tues I only have one lecture each , yaaaay. Nervous about tomorrow, its my first military technology lecture :/

    :lol: You didn't try. :P

    D: ok ok *ignores* *it never happened*

    :lol: Coco trolling? who knew? : D <3 I also make people mad but I don't tell them anything though :3...all I need to do is kill them all over the map and they usually send me hate mail :( I'll get the game and hopefully it'll work out perfectly if not...I'm buying you a ps3 >:3

    The song is REEEAALLYY good! So much meaning behind the lyrics. I love the ocean. :3
    i've been in a hungover daze all day! haha. i remember talking to you though when i came home at 5am totally obliterated. yayyy.

    i will re-write the PM soon. maybe it's just as well it didnt go through, it was a bit R-rated. hehe.

    : x
    * :O Coco is on to me!*

    haha! I got the emoticon from this place. They have quite a variety. said you don't want to be sad again...did you just give me a clue?[IMG] I think you did! D:

    Hmm...if it's for your happiness and us making noobs cry then I'll be more than glad to buy you one : D. Or I could get team fortress, I heard it's really good!! Why is making people rage quit so satisfying?! I LOVE iiiittt!!!

    What?! no way, your taste is impeccable =) And yes yes I do..very much want to hear your music. Ok...send me via visitor message one of your all time favorite songs and I'll tell'ya what I think. =)
    Haha! no no. If you love using exclamation marks...use them! I don't mind the exclamation marks at all : D and I'm glad that I saved you...they don't call me Captain for nothing .
    Dammit! I was hoping you'd slip up x'D. I shall watch it and tell you all about it.

    Dawww [IMG] I wanted to play some MW2 with you and hopefully make noobs cry/rage quit. You soooo need to get a ps3! :3

    I'm glad that you loved the music. =D I shall post more. You should definitely do the same. I wanna hear your music. [IMG]
    Very excitable! :D

    Wha?! You're gonna hurt yourself *stops Coco from banging desk*. You know, you could continue from where you left off :) that way you won't experience that dreaded scene...death of a character maybe?...I'm so tempted to know :lol:. I think I'm gonna start watching it...

    say.. you talk about rage quitting, do you by any chance own a ps3? :)

    Right now I have to go =[ but i'll leave you with this song..(one of my all time favorites)

    Bye Coco! *waves goodbye*

    Well in that case...rep away!

    : D Ok, I'll post more tunes :3

    The one and only..but you know the funny thing? I've never seen Death note in my life D: I just think he looks cool. Do you watch Death note? : D
    haha! don't worry about rep. Just you telling me that you liked the song is more than enough :D
    Now I can't stop seeing it in my mind every time I am replying, even though it's not there for me. lol

    I agree. This is one hell of a bizarre thing to happen. At least Billy can feel a little special about it!....or concerned. lol
    LOL!! Billy and I aren't that close so that I can freely post his pic as my background. :p Cute still, but really strange. I wonder if someone else is experiencing this.

    I told DJ about it. Let's see what this is all about. lol
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