Recent content by burnt by the sun | INFJ Forum

Recent content by burnt by the sun

  1. burnt by the sun


    Yep. Dudes still make an effort to look good, even thought there's a little less pressure from "the media" to do so. 'Cause after all, traditionally it's still the guy who woo's the girl, right? Peppermint brought up facial contrast... Fun fact: When a woman is super turned on, her lips will...
  2. burnt by the sun

    What is your birthday horoscope?

    "June 21 Cancers are happy individuals with a genuine love for others. Fairness is their passion, and they have a personal need to live according to a set of ethical standards. They combine intelligence with a great sense of caring. They do not shrink from situations that challenge their...
  3. burnt by the sun

    Questions for INFJs in relativly good and satisfying relationships

    1) almost 21 2) We met through a brand new friend of mine in the first week of college, three years ago. These two were friends in high school and happened to be attending the same university. The brand new friend invited us both to the commons' pool hall. When we were introduced, he made a...
  4. burnt by the sun

    How to be free?

    So Freedom is the lack of ties. Even though they might help you out, they can hold you back at some point, reducing freedom. When I think of freedom, I consider the mind first... nothing can stop the mind from thinking what it wants, right? But: If the mind can gel, it's not free. One could...
  5. burnt by the sun

    I want your thoughts on clothing, fashion, society, and sustainability.

    YAY for second-hand! I haven't bought new new clothes in a long time. And always donate the old ones, unless they're messed up beyond repair that no one would pay a dollar for them. Swoon... I wish more consumers were like you. That might be becoming the case actually, hm... though I don't...
  6. burnt by the sun

    I want your thoughts on clothing, fashion, society, and sustainability.

    First, Walmart was an example. And I want to clarify that I don't have anything against the people that shop at Walmart; sadly there are a lot of places where people live that it's the only store for anything, and the convenience is too appealing to turn down. Second, I'm glad that you care...
  7. burnt by the sun

    I want your thoughts on clothing, fashion, society, and sustainability.

    Good response. Now I better point the question. But first, what's now being called "ethical" clothing is made from materials that can easily be produced without pollution or a lot of waste, and the people all the way down the production line are treated and paid fairly. The kinds of materials...
  8. burnt by the sun

    I want your thoughts on clothing, fashion, society, and sustainability.

    I assume that you all wear clothes and are in some way part of a society. Please, gimme all of your thoughts (good, bad, incoherent) on clothing, fashion, society, and sustainability, today and in the future. [Also posting this on other forums because I'm looking for a wide spectrum of...
  9. burnt by the sun

    Music that speak directly to your heart

    Sufjan Stevens. Age of Adz. The whole album! Pretty sure he's an INFJ, also... not that I discriminate. And. Arcade Fire. Neon Bible. The whole album! They give me shivers, I tell ya! Passionate, subtle, beautiful sounds and poetry. And also. "This Must Be the Place" by Talking Heads. It's...
  10. burnt by the sun

    A regulator fix?

    Billy, I think by "public companies" he means publicly traded... listed in the stock exchange.
  11. burnt by the sun

    The World Inside....

    It takes some effort, but I can get to an *mostly* completely removed state. Was really good at it in high school... for escaping the boredom and all of the immaturity around me. Back then I'd only thought of these as times of intense daydreaming, though they were often without the "dream"...
  12. burnt by the sun

    Whats more painful...

    Do it! Working up the courage is really difficult and takes so much time if you over think it. Whatever happens, it's worth it. [I've definitely noticed a pattern in my romantic life, where I'm really into someone from afar, then become their friend (or not, back in my sad grade school days)...
  13. burnt by the sun

    How much do you cost? [game]

    $58. And aren't virgins supposed to be rare and expensive?
  14. burnt by the sun

    A regulator fix?

    I am so tired of the argument that CEOs need to be paid these ridiculous wages for incentive to do their job. "We'll, if I'm not a billionaire by next year I might just tank the whole company on purpose." Seriously? The power and prestige isn't enough? Well, you know psychologists have...
  15. burnt by the sun

    Small talk and not knowing what to say

    Uhg, hate small talk. Always so shallow. Them: *anything regarding the weather* Me: Well, you know, global warming... things are going to get way more fucked up in the next few years. Conversation over. And all I wanted was someone to rant about waste and energy policy and scientific and...