Recent content by BlitheBriley | INFJ Forum

Recent content by BlitheBriley

  1. BlitheBriley

    Too Dependent?

    I've always, ever since I can remember, wanted to have one person in my life forever. One person I could share everything with. At most stages of my life, I have found one person I thought fit that description, and that person became my world. For instance, I had the same best friend for ten...
  2. BlitheBriley

    On the thread "How does each MBTI type show affection," you said, "I like to do little things...

    On the thread "How does each MBTI type show affection," you said, "I like to do little things and be suportive. But, if I really care, I do that too much and that is not good. All that clinginess thing..." Could you explain more about what you mean? Maybe give an example?
  3. BlitheBriley

    INFJ Dating

    My advice is to stay open. Don't put a lot of pressure on yourself to make it work out. Just relax and get to know her. You don't have to feel anything yet. (I know, easier said than done.) Maybe think of it as hanging out with a new friend rather than a date. The words "date" and "dating" tend...
  4. BlitheBriley

    whats your inner power animal?

    Your inner animal spirit is a Cat Your elegant, understanding, and intuitive. Often deep in though,your an empathetic person with a big heart. At times, you can be rather lazy.
  5. BlitheBriley

    What's in a name?

    I don't think names really affect us, unless, of course, we have a name that for some reason is considered very negative. We are who we are, regardless of name. There are much more important influences on who we become, although I suppose a name could affect us to a degree. I just think there...
  6. BlitheBriley

    How much do you think you know about "you"?

    As people, we're constantly changing. We move to a new house or a new job or new school. We grow older. We develop new relationships, new hobbies, new interests. All of this change changes us. Sure, the core of who we are remains pretty stable, I think, but we're not really set in stone. As a...
  7. BlitheBriley

    Don't mistake my *enter quality here* for weakness

    Don't mistake my THOUGHTFULNESS for weakness. I love to do little things for the people I care about. For instance, in the morning I make tea (and sometimes breakfast) for my roommate. When someone asks to borrow my notes from class, I often make a copy for them. Sometimes people try to take...
  8. BlitheBriley

    Tips for a Shy Girl Hoping to Meet People?

    So true, Pierce. That's the realization I've come to. Sometimes I think it's a simple matter of math; if I increase the number of people I meet, then I increase my chances of meeting someone I'll like. But meeting people can be exhausting. I suppose it's a matter of finding the proper balance.
  9. BlitheBriley

    Does the INFJ inner life ever shut down?

    The only time I'm bored is when I'm tired. Sometimes I have insomnia for days at a time, and I get too tired to follow my own thoughts. That's frustrating because I'm too tired to really DO anything. However, even then my inner world is still running, just in a disjointed way. I remember being...
  10. BlitheBriley

    Find Your Animal Spirit

    You are a Swan! (your score: 29) Characters: Tereus, Kalia in the Aspect of Crow trilogy Powers: Foretelling future through dreams, dream-walking Swans are idealistic, open-minded, and passionate. Your good nature often leads people to think they can take advantage of you, but they...
  11. BlitheBriley

    S v. N

    Thanks, everyone, for your observations. I'm definitely going to start paying attention to all the details you posted and see which work best for me.
  12. BlitheBriley

    I wanted to thank you for commenting on my post, "Tips for a Shy Girl." Your feedback made me...

    I wanted to thank you for commenting on my post, "Tips for a Shy Girl." Your feedback made me realize there are other people out there like me, and your statement, "It's also very hard for me to fall for someone---I have to first love who they are at their I need to know them quite...
  13. BlitheBriley

    S v. N

    How can I know through observation whether someone has a preference for sensing or intuition? I think the other dichotomies are pretty clear, but this one always stops me in my tracks. Any key indicators?
  14. BlitheBriley

    How does each MBTI type show affection?

    I can't speak for people in general, but I'm an INFJ and I generally communicate affection through actions. When I care about someone, I like to do little things for that person. For instance, my good friend and roommate loves tea in the morning. Usually I wake up before her, so I try to have...