"Zom-Bee" Prepared

  • Thread starter Thread starter Shai Gar
  • Start date Start date

Shai Gar

This is a publication that:
  • Would comes out monthly, without fail, on the 1st of the month.
  • Would have to be 80-120 pages long, every single month.
  • Would cover at least 10 regular topics, with additional features.
  • Our readership could trust to be 98% factual, or, as factual as we can possibly make it. All articles, in addition to being proof-read will be peer reviewed.

Regular Topics
  1. Healthy Diet
  2. Food Cultivation
  3. Fitness; Cardiovascular fitness and Body-building
  4. Emergency Medical Aid
  5. Literature
  6. Society
  7. Strategic Planning
  8. Tactical Response
  9. Weapons
  10. Basic Tech Maintenance

Additional Regulars
  • Letters: To the Editor
  • Letters: How is my Survival Plan?
  • Featured Sponsor: How will it aid Survival (Non-Factual)
  • Zombie Movie/Game Review: What to avoid doing.

A Feature story that covers some aspect of Zombie Survivalism, well written, 5,000 words, with illustration.

Regular Topics, Broken Down.
Healthy Diet
  1. Food Pyramid; what it really means
  2. Back to basics; what foods give what minerals?
  3. Delicious Diet, not Fad Diet
  4. et cetera...
Food Cultivation
  1. Husbandry; the basics
  2. Aeroponics and You
  3. Drying Food
  4. et cetera...
Fitness; Cardiovascular fitness and Body-building
  1. Strength Building
  2. Endurance Building
  3. Five month guide to a healthy ripped body (Month One of Five)
  4. et cetera...
Emergency Medical Aid
  1. C.P.R. the Modern Reality
  2. First Aid Kit
  3. Providing aid from Isolation
  4. et cetera...
  1. Hope
  2. Communication
  3. Planning beyond the moment
  4. et cetera...
Human Society
  1. How to create the Best Functioning Group
  2. What people need
  3. Solving problems
  4. et cetera...
Strategic Planning
  1. Long Term Solutions
  2. Prioritisation
  3. Merging big and small picture
  4. et cetera...
Tactical Response
  1. Communication
  2. How to secure a building
  3. Making tactics a second nature
  4. et cetera...
  1. Melee Weapons
  2. Training with Weapons
  3. Sniper Rifles
  4. et cetera...
Basic Tech
  1. Small Engines
  2. Taking things apart, and putting them back together; HOW TO
  3. Historical Technology, a fresh look
  4. et cetera...

There would have to also be four departments
Art Department would create the layout of the front page, contents page and the graphic design for all the articles.
Editing Department would be responsible for proof-reading, editing, layout of articles in magazine.
Marketing Department would need to advertise our magazine, and get advertising for the magazine. (for example, Tactical Corsets)
Writing Department Pretty self explanatory yeah?

What I'm looking for, when the magazine starts proper:
  • Three (at least), Articles for each Topic, 2,000 - 3,000 words an article. Visual Aids.
  • Two (at least), Feature Stories, 3,000 - 4,000 words an article. Visual Aids
  • Additional Regulars, three pages each.
  • 10% Advertising. Advertising needs to fit with the theme of the magazine.
  • Writers Department: for the July edition, all articles are to be handed in by 10th of June (Exceptions made for movies about to come out, or games... Editors discretion).
  • Art Department: for the July edition, all articles are to be handed in by 10th of June (Exceptions made for articles being worked on).
These will be available in hardcopy and e-versions.
I know this is a digital age, but post zompocalypse, we won't have net access.

What I'm looking for before I start with the three "pilot" magazines:
  • Two articles for each topic, 1,500 - 2,500 words an article. Visual Aids.
  • Two Feature Stories, 2,500 - 3,500 words an article. Visual Aids.
  • Additional Regulars, three pages each.
  • 10% Advertising - Advertising for the pilot magazines are to be free, and need to fit with the theme of the magazine.
These pilot magazines will be free, so the articles won't be paid for. They'll be E-Versions and can be passed around free and downloaded as well.
If we get through an entire year successfully, the original pilot magazines will be available for sale in Hardcopy.

I don't care if you think you'd be sporadic writing for the magazines, all I care is that the articles come in on time appropriately written and themed.

Why you should work for the magazine:
If you want practice in any fields, and want to get employment in either a marketing, writing, graphic design or as an editor/management... This is just one more thing you can put on your resume or in your portfolio.
I want the first pilot to be ready for publication on:
2010-02-01 00:00 GMT.
2010-Feb-01 00:00 London Time (No DST)
I want the first pilot to be ready for publication on:
2010-02-01 00:00 GMT.
2010-Feb-01 00:00 London Time (No DST)

I'm changing it to this...
2010-03-01 00:00 GMT.
2010-Mar-01 00:00 London Time (No DST)

Wasn't that my idea, lulz :p

Maybe not, but I did post that awesome picture :D
100 pages?

Jesus christ, have you gotten anyone to write for you?

I would love to participate, but the matter of fact is I can hardly get anything done. I have to give you a big maybe :p

Hope you get everyone you need, it's a good idea. Do you have any real life friends that wants to join in?

How would it be distributed? (PDFs, HTML e-mails, websites, some other format that I am not aware of?)

I have a pretty strong background in print design but not sure exactly how an e-magazine works, logistically & technically.

Why Zom-bee? Is that a video game or something? Are you thinking of something cartoon-y or Anime-y (?)

Actually, it sounds kind of cool, but I am not sure if you are at all serious.
I'm completely serious. 100 pages is the pilot magazines, and I'm not expecting everyone who writes to write 100 pages. All the articles get put together and all you have to focus on, is your own.

This would be distributed through PDFs from a dedicated website.

Zom-Bee Prepared is a joining of Zombies and Be Prepared, the scout motto.
I think it sounds really cool, unfortunately I have to go right now, but I just wanted to let you know I might be able to help. I've always wanted to work on magazines. I'm kind of more the home/decor/fashion kind of designer, though, and I am not sure that is at all what this is about... anyway, sorry, have to go pick up my children!! Maybe I can catch up later.
Well, you don't talk about how you want it to look. Or feel. Which, if I or anyone were to do the graphic design, would be important. I do visual communication. It's a nice outline but lacking in visual communication or tone direction.

Do you want white space, or text heavy? Should it feel like a business or news publication, or something more like a literature journal, or a fashion magazine, or a comic/graphic novel or something different? Do you want it B&W or 2-color or 4-color? What kind of audience do you want it to appeal to? Do you have any type faces you want? Should they be formal/informal/serif/sanserif typefaces? (Actually, knowing the feel and audience should tell me this.) Do you want photorealistic imagery or illustrations? Charts? Graphs? Bylines? Is there an existing magazine whose look and feel you like? Are there any particular colors you would want to use? How will you bind and print it (when that time comes)? What kind of paper do you want to use? These are the kinds of things a graphic designer would need to know to do it properly.

I could easily create a dummy layout for you based on this outline, if you wanted me to. I work in Adobe InDesign which can be exported to PDF.

Plus, this is probably ignorance on my part, but WTF is Zombie Survivalism? I don't have a clue what that even is. I could google it, I suppose, but it would be easier to just ask you. Is it some movie or video game or what? I thought Zombies were by nature dead already, so why are we helping them to survive? If you are joking, I must say that is really mean, because I actually do graphic design for a living and was offering to help, but I don't want to be the butt of some stupid joke. Not knowing what the whole Zombie thing is makes me wonder if this is your idea of entertainment at my expense. But if not...

Did you get anyone to write articles? You know, you don't need 100 pages of articles to fill out a 100 page layout, assuming you leave room for white space and ads.
Well, you don't talk about how you want it to look. Or feel. Which, if I or anyone were to do the graphic design, would be important. I do visual communication. It's a nice outline but lacking in visual communication or tone direction.

Do you want white space, or text heavy? Should it feel like a business or news publication, or something more like a literature journal, or a fashion magazine, or a comic/graphic novel or something different? Do you want it B&W or 2-color or 4-color? What kind of audience do you want it to appeal to? Do you have any type faces you want? Should they be formal/informal/serif/sanserif typefaces? (Actually, knowing the feel and audience should tell me this.) Do you want photorealistic imagery or illustrations? Charts? Graphs? Bylines? Is there an existing magazine whose look and feel you like? Are there any particular colors you would want to use? How will you bind and print it (when that time comes)? What kind of paper do you want to use? These are the kinds of things a graphic designer would need to know to do it properly.

I could easily create a dummy layout for you based on this outline, if you wanted me to. I work in Adobe InDesign which can be exported to PDF.

Plus, this is probably ignorance on my part, but WTF is Zombie Survivalism? I don't have a clue what that even is. I could google it, I suppose, but it would be easier to just ask you. Is it some movie or video game or what? I thought Zombies were by nature dead already, so why are we helping them to survive? If you are joking, I must say that is really mean, because I actually do graphic design for a living and was offering to help, but I don't want to be the butt of some stupid joke. Not knowing what the whole Zombie thing is makes me wonder if this is your idea of entertainment at my expense. But if not...

Did you get anyone to write articles? You know, you don't need 100 pages of articles to fill out a 100 page layout, assuming you leave room for white space and ads.
Well, you don't talk about how you want it to look. Or feel. Which, if I or anyone were to do the graphic design, would be important. I do visual communication. It's a nice outline but lacking in visual communication or tone direction.

Do you want white space, or text heavy? Should it feel like a business or news publication, or something more like a literature journal, or a fashion magazine, or a comic/graphic novel or something different? Do you want it B&W or 2-color or 4-color? What kind of audience do you want it to appeal to? Do you have any type faces you want? Should they be formal/informal/serif/sanserif typefaces? (Actually, knowing the feel and audience should tell me this.) Do you want photorealistic imagery or illustrations? Charts? Graphs? Bylines? Is there an existing magazine whose look and feel you like? Are there any particular colors you would want to use? How will you bind and print it (when that time comes)? What kind of paper do you want to use? These are the kinds of things a graphic designer would need to know to do it properly.

I could easily create a dummy layout for you based on this outline, if you wanted me to. I work in Adobe InDesign which can be exported to PDF.

Plus, this is probably ignorance on my part, but WTF is Zombie Survivalism? I don't have a clue what that even is. I could google it, I suppose, but it would be easier to just ask you. Is it some movie or video game or what? I thought Zombies were by nature dead already, so why are we helping them to survive? If you are joking, I must say that is really mean, because I actually do graphic design for a living and was offering to help, but I don't want to be the butt of some stupid joke. Not knowing what the whole Zombie thing is makes me wonder if this is your idea of entertainment at my expense. But if not...

Did you get anyone to write articles? You know, you don't need 100 pages of articles to fill out a 100 page layout, assuming you leave room for white space and ads.

I want to chat with you about it, I've been thinking about how Time is set out. but I'd need to chat with you about it. I've not thought too much about the layout itself.

Zombie Survivalism means surviving in a zombie infested world. Zompocalypse.
What sort of zombies? Shambling undead killed by destruction of the brain, ditto but each body part is alive on its own.(Cutting off the head will not stop it from walking)

28 day later variation(Zombies that move just as quickly as you can and are more concerned with killing you than food, will starve to death eventually)

Voodoo zombies?

Or is this going to be a sort of catch all guide?
What sort of zombies? Shambling undead killed by destruction of the brain, ditto but each body part is alive on its own.(Cutting off the head will not stop it from walking)

28 day later variation(Zombies that move just as quickly as you can and are more concerned with killing you than food, will starve to death eventually)

Voodoo zombies?

Or is this going to be a sort of catch all guide?

This is a catch-all worst possible scenario...
Anyone dies, and they turn into zombies, zombie is transmitted through bodily fluids...
The zombies might turn like Dawn of (modern) and 28 Days, from living straight to zombies, but death won't stop them... They'll be corpses animated through unknown means following you and hunting your flesh until they completely decompose.

But this isn't going to be a "What the zombies are like, how to avoid", this is going to be an indepth, completely factual, guide to survival in a world of zombies.
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I want to chat with you about it, I've been thinking about how Time is set out. but I'd need to chat with you about it. I've not thought too much about the layout itself.

Zombie Survivalism means surviving in a zombie infested world. Zompocalypse.

Hello again, crazy busy today and I have to go to a meeting but you can e-mail me if you like, or however you would prefer. I can try to make tinychat too, but I am at work...

I can easily mimic a Time-like layout if you like.

Gotta run! TTYL
Or maybe all of them could be included and explained differently i.e the difference, how to avoid and/or survive those, just like different....kind...of...zombies.

I have to admit it's pretty interesting. Now if only I could write something... >_>;
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No. This magazine is not about zombies per se. it's about being prepared to survive against ANY kind of zombie.