- Enneagram
- 2w1
Your personal path in life is to be found inside your heart.
Dont look at society.
Dont look at other people..
Dont look outside of you, but look inside of you.
Inside your heart, there where the love for is.
love will guide you through life.
Do what you love to do, concerning work related or long as you hurt or harm nobody.....thats an important detail!
Because what you love to do in life is personal and unique..
Therefore follow your heart...
The path of love.
Because that path of love is also the path of fullfiment and joy...
You will have a more satisfied life, and you've lived and authentic life true to yourself.
Have a lovely day everyone...
I wish you all much innerpeace, joy and love..
Take care of each other.
We are all in this together like different leafs of the same tree.
Dont look at society.
Dont look at other people..
Dont look outside of you, but look inside of you.
Inside your heart, there where the love for is.
love will guide you through life.
Do what you love to do, concerning work related or long as you hurt or harm nobody.....thats an important detail!
Because what you love to do in life is personal and unique..
Therefore follow your heart...
The path of love.
Because that path of love is also the path of fullfiment and joy...
You will have a more satisfied life, and you've lived and authentic life true to yourself.

Have a lovely day everyone...
I wish you all much innerpeace, joy and love..
Take care of each other.

We are all in this together like different leafs of the same tree.