Why Should I hire you?


Time Lord
Imagine you've been lined up for your dream job, I am the manager interviewing you. I simply have one question,

Why should I hire you?

Why you over anyone else?

What talents do you have?

What Kinda Job am I hiring you for?
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I'm not sure if I should take a serious route or not on this. My dream job....

I can't do this, since I don't know what my dream job should be. So I will make it my dream LIFE! (This is in the imagination forum)

Why should I hire you?

Well, I scored the highest on the testo-awesome-o scale, than anyone else has in the past 7,000 years, well, why shouldn't you?

Why you over anyone else?

I am an extremely driven individual, and my creativity is very massive, and I'm highly intellectual, which is important when designing space roller coaster that can go from 0-5 light years in only 3 seconds.

What talents do you have?

Well, I'm very good at making up stories, talking to people, reasoning with any aliens we may encounter when making our intergalatic spastasitc rollercoaster themepark. I have also studied wormhole theories, and can make the best ambrosia salad on this side of the milky way, which is important.

What Kinda Job am I hiring you for?

To create freaking epic space rollercoasters that are out of this world, literally. :m027:

Btw, fun fact: that's 4 questions.

*In reality I want to be a writer/singer, and I hate engineering. but this seemed more fun.*