Which is your style of distorted thinking?


C'est la vie
Retired Staff
A lot of people, probably most, utilize distorted thinking at one point or another. And people generally prefer to fall back on one kind of distorted thinking. Which is yours?


Mine should be obvious by now.
oh man, I've done all of those :(
Each of these is highly situational, meaning I do not use them all of the time, only in certain circumstances--so I'm not going to list all the situations in which some may happen. In addition, I'm just going to list the ones that I never do so that the remaining ones may be seen as possibilities for the future.

The ones I tend to never use are:
mind reading (I HATE when people do this to me, and too many INFJs seem to do this)
fallacy of fairness
emotional reasoning (OMG too many people do this, annoying)
heaven's reward fallacy (I feel bad for people who do this)
There are a few on the list I tend toward. There are several on the list that I might consider (i.e. they occur to me) but would generally reject quickly in actual practice as unproductive or even self-defeating. I would have to say, though, that after reading the list through twice, I wouldn't say that any of them are styles of thought I regularly allow myself to dwell in or feel trapped by.
The ones I tend to never use are:

Saying you never overgeneralize, sounds like an overgeneralization to me. :mpick:

Which one as in singular? That list is basically my bio in a nut-shell.

Hm...it seems INFJs are prone to distorted thinking. Of course, that also means we might be more prone to readily recognizing it when we see it.
Hm...it seems INFJs are prone to distorted thinking. Of course, that also means we might be more prone to readily recognizing it when we see it.

BINGO ! FINALLY SOMEONE FIGURED US (I'm speaking for myself) OUT ! That is impressive. Phew.
BINGO ! FINALLY SOMEONE FIGURED US (I'm speaking for myself) OUT ! That is impressive. Phew.

Your sarcasm is duly noted. :mwtf:

I don't see anything wrong with suggesting that those who are predisposed to distorted thinking are best suited to recognize it in others.
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Your sarcasm is duly noted. :mwtf:

I don't see anything wrong with suggesting that those who are predisposed to distorted thinking are best suited to recognize it in others.

...But I really wasn't being sarcastic.
I actually didn't read it as sarcastic either, but one of those moments we're relieved to see something we didn't necessarily think others might see... pertaining to this line:

we might be more prone to readily recognizing it when we see it.

I thought the same thing. With no sarcasm ;)
I actually didn't read it as sarcastic either, but one of those moments we're relieved to see something we didn't necessarily think others might see... pertaining to this line:

Oh, well then I feel like a dick. :mD:

We all do from time to time.
I would say these are some of the more re-occuring ones for myself.

Mind Reading

A bit off topic but I know people who suffer from Heaven's Reward Fallacy which is just another form of Shoulds

Just as the description says they do things even when it's against what their heart feels and in time that weakens their will as a person. Quite, convenient when you want to control the masses I'd say.

Is it really rightous when a person honestly doesn't believe it?
Isn't that a form of lying within itself?
If a person is a true believer then shouldn't that just be the way the river flows?

But in the world of Heaven's Reward Fallacy and Shoulds nothing is too much for the cause.

Which then the person might be already lost, already made the deal with the devil and feeling rightous about giving up their soul.

I don't believe that is truly the way to believe in (G)god(s) if a person is really talking about honesty and faith.
