Which Disciple Are You? | Page 2 | INFJ Forum

Which Disciple Are You?

You are most like ANDREW


Like Andrew, you are a loyal and empathetic person. You have an intuitive understanding of people and relationships. You try to foster a sense of community and enjoy helping others grow and develop. You are often the first person to reach out to someone you sense needs your help. You are also eager to embrace changes that will make the world a better place.

However, like Andrew, you may be overly trusting of people who claim to possess the solutions to life's problems. Your fervor to help others may lead you into naive obedience to false prophets. You must be on constant guard against your tendency to follow leaders who promise a better world.

Your role as a disciple of Christ is that of a relationship builder. You naturally share in the emotions of others and are eager to bring them into a personal relationship with Christ.

***Bonus*** The Biblical woman who best matches your personality is: NAOMI, mother-in-law of Ruth


Sounds like me. Only difference is, I don't naively follow false prophets.

Do I?

You are most like JAMES


Like James, you are a systematic and incisive thinker. You voraciously ingest information and apply sharp logical analysis to produce sound insights and strategies. You are focused and determined, and you let little stand in the way of achieving your goals. You never back down from an argument once you are sure you have thought things through.

However, like James, your unbending logic may be a bit too biting. Like a true "Son of Thunder" your ambition and temper may be perceived by others as callous and stinging. Your rough edge may alienate your audience, even if your insights are correct. And your persistent focus on accuracy and improvement may make you a target of those wishing to preserve the status quo.

Your role as a disciple of Christ is that of a reliable expert and truth-teller. You don't mince words, and you bring clarity and consistency to the more ambiguous matters of religion and spirituality. Other people look to you for sound teaching as you fight for truth until the end.
This stupid test gave me Judas! The liar and deceiver!


Oh wait I misread that... Jesus... not judas..