Which Disciple Are You? | INFJ Forum

Which Disciple Are You?


Jan 9, 2012
Which disciple are you personality test…lol.


I got John...

Like John, you are a deeply spiritual and emotional person.
You are a keen observer of relationships and personal character, often seeing connections and patterns that others miss.

You are an imaginative dreamer with a strong grasp of spiritual matters and the purpose of human existence.
You can also be extremely dedicated and loving.

However, like John, you may have a fierce nature.
Like a true "Son of Thunder" you may be prone to believing that your spiritual intuition elevates you above others.

You may see yourself as morally superior to those less spiritually attuned than you.
This a side of yourself you must temper with love and understanding.

Your role as a disciple of Christ is one of a visionary or prophet.
You speak the truth as you see it, even if it can't be proven or isn't popular.

Others may see you as mystical or possessing a connection with Christ that goes beyond their comprehension.
Yet, in your most honest moments, you know that your greatest strength lies not in your love for Christ, but in His love for you.

***Bonus*** The Biblical woman who best matches your personality is: MARY, sister of Lazarus and Martha

You are most like ANDREW


Like Andrew, you are a loyal and empathetic person. You have an intuitive understanding of people and relationships. You try to foster a sense of community and enjoy helping others grow and develop. You are often the first person to reach out to someone you sense needs your help. You are also eager to embrace changes that will make the world a better place.

However, like Andrew, you may be overly trusting of people who claim to possess the solutions to life's problems. Your fervor to help others may lead you into naive obedience to false prophets. You must be on constant guard against your tendency to follow leaders who promise a better world.

Your role as a disciple of Christ is that of a relationship builder. You naturally share in the emotions of others and are eager to bring them into a personal relationship with Christ.

***Bonus*** The Biblical woman who best matches your personality is: NAOMI, mother-in-law of Ruth
You are most like ANDREW

Like Andrew, you are a loyal and empathetic person. You have an intuitive understanding of people and relationships. You try to foster a sense of community and enjoy helping others grow and develop. You are often the first person to reach out to someone you sense needs your help. You are also eager to embrace changes that will make the world a better place.

However, like Andrew, you may be overly trusting of people who claim to possess the solutions to life's problems. Your fervor to help others may lead you into naive obedience to false prophets. You must be on constant guard against your tendency to follow leaders who promise a better world.

Your role as a disciple of Christ is that of a relationship builder. You naturally share in the emotions of others and are eager to bring them into a personal relationship with Christ.

***Bonus*** The Biblical woman who best matches your personality is: NAOMI, mother-in-law of Ruth
You are most like PETER


Like Peter, you are a passionate and spontaneous person. Your enthusiasm and commitment to a cause are infectious, and others look to you for inspiration and encouragement. You are a person of action. When you feel strongly about something, you don't hesitate to make it a reality. You can also be quite persuasive. You are skilled at communicating on a personal and emotional level that any person can connect with.

However, also like Peter, you can be a bit impulsive. You may speak without thinking and get yourself into hot water by taking actions or making promises that you can't back up. Your attention shifts rapidly, and you may have a tendency to be a bit of a chameleon around different groups of people.

Your role as a disciple of Christ is that of an influencer and persuader. Whether out in front of a group or sharing your passion more privately, you have the ability to tell the story of Christ through your words and actions.

***Bonus*** The Biblical woman who best matches your personality is: ESTHER
You are most like ANDREW

Like Andrew, you are a loyal and empathetic person. You have an intuitive understanding of people and relationships. You try to foster a sense of community and enjoy helping others grow and develop. You are often the first person to reach out to someone you sense needs your help. You are also eager to embrace changes that will make the world a better place.

However, like Andrew, you may be overly trusting of people who claim to possess the solutions to life's problems. Your fervor to help others may lead you into naive obedience to false prophets. You must be on constant guard against your tendency to follow leaders who promise a better world.

Your role as a disciple of Christ is that of a relationship builder. You naturally share in the emotions of others and are eager to bring them into a personal relationship with Christ.
Andrew seems popular so far...
You are most like PHILIP

Like Philip, you are an inquisitive and analytical person. You are open to exploring new ideas and testing them with the tools of logic and reason. You tackle the "big questions" about life and the universe, and others often look to you for insight.

However, also like Philip, your objective and abstract tendencies may cause you to overlook the things in life that can't be explained with logic. You may have trouble believing that miracles are really possible. Or you may not always realize the importance and power of the loving relationships right in front of you. You may be reluctant to discuss your personal feelings, and this may prevent you from openly bringing others to Christ.

Your role as a disciple of Christ is that of an open-minded and nonjudgmental philosopher. You inspire debate and thought-provoking dialogue that challenges others to "Come and see" what Jesus is all about.

***Bonus*** The Biblical woman who best matches your personality is: PHOTINE, the Samaritan woman at the well
You are most like JOHN

Like John, you are a deeply spiritual and emotional person. You are a keen observer of relationships and personal character, often seeing connections and patterns that others miss. You are an imaginative dreamer with a strong grasp of spiritual matters and the purpose of human existence. You can also be extremely dedicated and loving.

However, like John, you may have a fierce nature. Like a true "Son of Thunder" you may be prone to believing that your spiritual intuition elevates you above others. You may see yourself as morally superior to those less spiritually attuned than you. This a side of yourself you must temper with love and understanding.

Your role as a disciple of Christ is one of a visionary or prophet. You speak the truth as you see it, even if it can't be proven or isn't popular. Others may see you as mystical or possessing a connection with Christ that goes beyond their comprehension. Yet, in your most honest moments, you know that your greatest strength lies not in your love for Christ, but in His love for you.

***Bonus*** The Biblical woman who best matches your personality is: MARY, sister of Lazarus and Martha

See the guy holding his finger up at jesus?

That was a secret sign used by people like da vinci to mean John the Baptist

He seems to be holding it up at jesus in an almost accusing way

he uses it in other paintings too

The person to jesus's right is a woman...mary (the closest disciple to jesus)
Just take the fucking test man!
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Just take the fucking test man!

Maybe i don't want to be a follower huh...considered that? lol

I mean 'disciple'?

''Don't be afraid to dream a little bit bigger darling''

Maybe i don't want to be a follower huh...considered that? lol

I mean 'disciple'?

''Don't be afraid to dream a little bit bigger darling''

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See the guy holding his finger up at jesus?

That was a secret sign used by people like da vinci to mean John the Baptist

He seems to be holding it up at jesus in an almost accusing way

he uses it in other paintings too

The person to jesus's right is a woman...mary (the closest disciple to jesus)

I believe you just indirectly told us that your result was 'John' with 'Mary' being the female equivalent.
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I have a higher chance of ending up in a mexican prison then i do of wearing a sweatshirt like that!

What a travesty of scotlands beautiful tartan heritage!
Maybe i don't want to be a follower huh...considered that? lol

I mean 'disciple'?

''Don't be afraid to dream a little bit bigger darling''


I don't want to be a disciple of Christ either. 'Following' suggests that the follower can't think for him/herself.

But if he can turn water into coffee, I may reconsider.
I don't want to be a disciple of Christ either. 'Following' suggests that the follower can't think for him/herself.

But if he can turn water into coffee, I may reconsider.
