Where has community gone? | Page 2 | INFJ Forum

Where has community gone?

Community is being undermined by the cancer of corporatist-consumerist capitalism and it's underlying ideology of social atomism and the Man as a wholly rational, self-interested being. Natural, organic social groups and communities are bad for corporate profits, more self-actualized individuals means less "whoever dies with the most toys wins" thinking.

I realize this as well.
As I was driving by a shopping mall today I thought of how that was a center of community.
I am sure the increased mobility of the human race has something to do with it.

Or maybe we are growing more tolerant of eachother (well kind of) witch makes it more difficult to have a clearly defined community. Like were thinking of ourselves more in terms of the entire human race and such.

And maybe it is American culture, you are only supposed to care for your self and your family and not consider the welfare of the whole community.

And it is probably technology witch allows us to create very distant communities.
You know what? People need people because people need community, connectedness. I have that. You have that. We each have the ability to give and to receive a connection of the heart. Yet we're afraid. We hold back. It's not so much that society or people have changed. It's that I don't give community, and I don't look to receive community. I look after myself, think about myself, watch out for myself. And everyone else is just an inanimate obstacle. I can't blame you, I can't blame "them". I can only say that community lacks because I don't actively cultivate it. I can't control anyone else's actions. Just mine. And I can't find community by keeping my eyes on me alone. So I guess the question becomes, do I want community bad enough to go beyond myself?

Ah, my friend; I sense a first-person mentality. Lots of times we all have that mentality. My religion, without preaching but this is the best analogy I can muster, taught me third person mentality which opened my eyes to the others. "It's not about what I do, but about what He did." Conjugate!