What's your worst quality? | INFJ Forum

What's your worst quality?


theory conspirer
Site Supporter
Apr 24, 2018
kind of a dum test but it werk for me


Your worst quality is. . .
Your standards are impossibly high. While perfectionism can be motivating when it pushes you to strive for excellence, it can also be crushing when you fail despite your best efforts. If your perfectionism is making you feel bad, try to set more reasonable goals for yourself. . . And remember everyone makes mistakes.
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Lol I clicked the link and it just says "this is test"

Ok mother Russia.
Your mind is always floating off to one thing or another. Unfortunately, this means you miss important information and can be perceived as flighty or irresponsible. To keep your mind from wandering, become an active participant in conversations by asking questions and take notes during business meetings. The more you train your focus, the more natural it will become to stay present in the moment.

Well that ain't right lol
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Your worst quality is. . .
It's not good to believe everything you see or hear on the news or from your friends. The best cure for naivete is research. Next time you hear a doubtful claim, check the facts. Otherwise, you will be taken advantage of by unscrupulous people who prey on the gullible.

Your worst quality is. . .
It's not good to believe everything you see or hear on the news or from your friends. The best cure for naivete is research. Next time you hear a doubtful claim, check the facts. Otherwise, you will be taken advantage of by unscrupulous people who prey on the gullible.


Me too! :D
Your worst quality is. . .

Your mind is always floating off to one thing or another. Unfortunately, this means you miss important information and can be perceived as flighty or irresponsible. To keep your mind from wandering, become an active participant in conversations by asking questions and take notes during business meetings. The more you train your focus, the more natural it will become to stay present in the moment.

*whispers* I blame Ni :p
You are very vain. I bet you think this description is about you, don't you? Of course you do! And everything else in life. You may be surprised if you take a few moments and listen to others. Other people are interesting too!

I knew before even taking the test that this would be my result, lmao
I dare call it a quality.
Your worst quality is. . .
Your mind is always floating off to one thing or another. Unfortunately, this means you miss important information and can be perceived as flighty or irresponsible. To keep your mind from wandering, become an active participant in conversations by asking questions and take notes during business meetings. The more you train your focus, the more natural it will become to stay present in the moment.

I already had problems with the first question - they didn't list my spirit animal. :(
Like a few other people here

Your worst quality is. . .

I started the quiz a few days ago, but got distracted and forgot about it until I saw it pop up again, so I guess it fits.
Your worst quality is. . .
You are very vain. I bet you think this description is about you, don't you? Of course you do! And everything else in life. You may be surprised if you take a few moments and listen to others. Other people are interesting too!

oy... I wish astro wasn't so correct at times.
Your worst quality is. . .
This muleheadedness will prevent you from growing and improving your personality. If you refuse to consider the viewpoints of others, you will never understand others and you will never correct wrong opinions and attitudes. Is that really how you want it be?