What's the most important role in your life? | INFJ Forum

What's the most important role in your life?


Sep 5, 2009
What's the most important role in your life?
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Loving everyone as much as possible.
Having a feeling of fulfillment.
To be AWESOME and to know it!
To be the dependable, open, and caring listener.
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I'm a mom of a disabled little boy. I'm his mom and I'm doing the best I can to protect him even though it's really confusing sometimes figuring everything out.
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Seems to be paying all the bills.
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my strongest roles seems to be supportive and motivational.
How am I supposed to decide?

Even the more transient roles like "employee" are important. I have to be a good employee to feed myself, to not let down the people who turn to us for help, and to show respect to an employer who's respectful to me.
How am I supposed to decide?

Even the more transient roles like "employee" are important. I have to be a good employee to feed myself, to not let down the people who turn to us for help, and to show respect to an employer who's respectful to me.
This is almost exactly what I was thinking....

Every aspect of my life is equally important as it comprises my whole life and being.

(I kid. Maybe.)
To help other people heal, support them as they struggle with issues and recover from problems, to encourage, comfort, and listen to them.
This is almost exactly what I was thinking....

Every aspect of my life is equally important as it comprises my whole life and being.

If I had children I might have said that being a mother is my most important role, but that's not the case. Everyone around me is capable of feeding themselves and not getting marbles stuck up their noses.
Maybe I'm thinking this way because of some other threads...but I wonder if what we think our roles are, are our roles? Who determines our roles? Use, or the people who interact with us?

Am I still a caring, dependable listener if I never interact with someone? Or am I only that role through interacting with another?

..I need coffee....sunday isn't meant for this much brain work!
Maybe I'm thinking this way because of some other threads...but I wonder if what we think our roles are, are our roles? Who determines our roles? Use, or the people who interact with us?

Am I still a caring, dependable listener if I never interact with someone? Or am I only that role through interacting with another?

..I need coffee....sunday isn't meant for this much brain work!

Good point. I answered based on how I thought others would see me not necessarily the role I value the most for myself.
Like others have said, all are important and I cannot separate them out from one another. They are all a part of me. It would be like trying to live without my heart or liver: I need all of my organs. They all work together to create a whole. But, I do find fatherhood satisfying, even thought there are some days......

My career has become as large a part of my identity as my family relationships. I have to struggle when choosing between my family and my employer under certain circumstances, as both are very important.
In the past I felt that my most important role was to be a good mother, as well as a good daughter and wife. Now I think the only role that is important is to be 'me', true to myself in everything I do.
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