What new quality or ability would you want? | INFJ Forum

What new quality or ability would you want?

La Sagna

I did it! I'm a butterfly!
Oct 27, 2013
If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one quality or ability, what would it be?
The ability to clone myself, and control my clones. My little army of expendables, heh.
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The ability to transfer my consciousness to other life-forms/people.
the ability to poop gold!
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to fly
I was going to say sign language, maybe, but it sounds a bit dull having read the other replies
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At this point I would like to have my health BACK. Its mine.

After that, I would like to have the ability of getting people to see the actual truth of things.
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At this point I would like to have my health BACK. Its mine.

After that, I would like to have the ability of getting people to see the actual truth of things.

...but how do you know what the truth is? and maybe 'you can't handle the truth'.
I think I would like the ability to take away pain.
The ability to show others who are stuck in a cycle of learned helplessness that their view of reality is dangerously warped and far worse than the truth AND be able to deliver some kind of silver bullet-esque thing that makes them want to change themselves for the better.
I coach little league baseball (13-15 year olds) and during our last game I realized I was carrying around my wooden bat like Tom Cruise's character (Lt. Daniel Kaffee) while trying to decide what I needed to do to fix our 4 straight losses. I guess awesome ideas are contagious, even if they are from a movie.
(your quote from a few good men brought me to this train of thought)
and what would you do with your new ability to fly?

I would fly over the clouds, and survey the gorgeous landscapes, across mountains, rivers, valleys, away from everything. *sighs*
Ability to be happy-go-lucky.
healing words
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