what makes you fall in love with a woman?


for INFJ males- what characteristics should she have to fall in love with her? and what she should not have, what do you particulary dislike in a partner? describe you perfect girlfriend, a person you would want to spend your life with. or if you already find her, describe your better half and why did you marry her?

do you go for a certain mbti type and which?

what about the way of her loving? how do you want do be loved? what kinds of love expressions do you like? what would make you fall in love like crazy so you would want to keep her forever? at what point would you realize it, how long should that take for you?

i'm very curious what INFJ males are truly like when it comes to love. if someone wants, one can make a simillar thread for INFJ females. thanks everyone!
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describe you perfect girlfriend, a person you would want to spend your life with

Hi there.

I think I'll just quote my response from the "building a best friend" thread, not because I'm narcissistic (although it's a possibility), but because I think it's applicable here too.

I wouldn't try. Not after my life experiences.

My closest friends sometimes end up being people who I didn't think I would have wanted to associate myself with.

When you go actively looking for such and such qualities, you often overlook the gems which are covered in dirt. Moreover, you might miss good qualities in a person because you're so busy looking for something specific. The same can apply when looking for a significant other.

I guess I'm at a point where I am very cognizant of how much we can miss on account of self-inflicted tunnel-vision.

what about the way of her loving? how do you want do be loved?

Now, this I can answer. Lots of affection. The playful kind is best. snickering like children, frolicking when the mood hits, a kiss in the dark, a tender touch, yet allowing each other lots of space when needed.
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The biggest thing is that if she is nice to me. Of course physical attractiveness and intelligence matter to, but not as much.

I don't know what to say to your questions on love.
Perfect women characteristics(for me):
  • Understanding
  • Give me personal space
  • Mutual Growth
  • Must have ambition
  • Persevering
  • Sexually attractive( Nice breast, cute face, rear etc etc.)
  • Intellectually stimulating
  • Adventuristic
  • Independent
  • Honest
I guess this will be my idealistic women. I'm not saying that this will ever happen but that's what i'm looking for.
I'm not sure if I've ever fallen in love, but if I have, it boils down to feeling like I have a connection with the person, whether we're similar people or not. That is what I'm looking for and really everything else is secondary.
A chemical reaction