What is your most powerful reinforcer? | INFJ Forum

What is your most powerful reinforcer?


Permanent Fixture
Mar 30, 2012
Reinforcement is a term used in operant conditioning to refer to anything that increases the likelihood that a response will occur. Note that reinforcement is defined by the effect that it has on behavior - it increases or strengthens the behavior.

For example, reinforcement might involve presenting praise (the reinforcer) immediately after a child puts away her toys (the response). By reinforcing the desired behavior with praise, the girl will be more likely to perform the same actions again.

Another example might be, what activities do you engage in routinely that are pleasing to you.
the fact there will be some short term reward that I will allow myself to indulge in or will be given after the activity is complete. Negative reinforcement doesn't work. It just made me nervous and anxious as a child. At this point, it's sometimes personal satisfaction or knowing it will be respected, appreciated, or recognized as a job well done. That will keep me motivated or likely to continue the behavior. If it benefits me and benefits others, that's another motivator for me.
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I have two regular reinforcers: independence/freedom and helping other people resolve problems. I am regularly motivated to complete tasks and assignments on the premise that I will later have time to myself, wherein there will be few or no external pressures limiting my behavior. Reading, writing, meditating, long periods of thinking, and solitary exercise have been staples in my life for years and I am unwilling to relinquish them. Accordingly, behavioral routines and systems that do not allow me personal downtime and indulgence are generally altered or exited. They tend to make me irritable and grumpy rather quickly.

On the other hand, helping folks with problems they are having, whether it be academic, social, financial, or emotional, is really rewarding to me. I've no problem re-regulating my time, energy, and other responsibilities if I know that someone burdened by unmet or conflicting needs will be alleviated by doing so. Displays of kindness are all too rare and precious to pass up.
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and cats

and cats

For me it's funk and murder.
Would "getting the bills paid again" be a self re-enforcer?
Would "getting the bills paid again" be a self re-enforcer?

Sounds like necessary achievement, rather than token/optional achievement is a motivator for you.

For me, "seeing improvement" is a big motivator. I get energised when I can see an actual positive change occurring because of what I do.
I first noticed this explicitly when I was polishing a highly tarnished brass object many years ago. Seeing the reflective golden glow of clean brass emerging from a dull brown surface was very satisfying, even though the task was completely mundane.
Sounds like necessary achievement, rather than token/optional achievement is a motivator for you.

For me, "seeing improvement" is a big motivator. I get energised when I can see an actual positive change occurring because of what I do.
I first noticed this explicitly when I was polishing a highly tarnished brass object many years ago. Seeing the reflective golden glow of clean brass emerging from a dull brown surface was very satisfying, even though the task was completely mundane.

agree, change or progress. It's tough to keep on doing something if you can't see results, however slight. You want to feel your effort matters or counts. If it doesn't accomplish anything, then it's going to feel odd to continue doing it.

Pictures of food that has faces on it... So incredibly reinforcing- because it's so cute and relaxing to look at these pictures.
peanut cake.jpg
Look how cute that is! It's a cake!!!!


shake jello.jpg


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