What gifts or talents do you rarely get a chance to develop?


What gifts or talents do you rarely get the chance to develop, exercise or demonstrate?

Why? time, opportunity, circumstance, people, etc.?
i happen to excel at hunting extinct species, i just so rarely get the chance! :m142:
oh, and leading entire nations to their ultimate peril. i'm great at that! =P
*mumbles something about sexual prowess and being in a long distance relationship*

Imagination + logic + reliability + heart. I wasn't really aware of the heart part till recently. And I can be kinda lazy. I'm not that intelligent actually. Even still, I do think I have some talent, especially now with development of my emotional intelligence. I'm not sure what, but I think I may be somebody's dream employee.
Signing. I discovered a few years back that I had a knack for it, but I have never had the time to truly develop it, because I am always so busy with school
Signing. I discovered a few years back that I had a knack for it, but I have never had the time to truly develop it, because I am always so busy with school

hey, that's cool.

I think mine's . . . :m083:
painting. I used to paint and draw, but got busy with school so much. Now, I am almost done with school I want to take a class on painting/drawing. I am hoping to do that once I save up some money ;)
Enjoying life.

sexual creativity/exploration.

Because it's the source of one's individuality and sense of self worth. Without it, we become sheep and follow the herd.


"Wilhelm Reich put forth an interesting theory n his lectures to young Communists in Germany in 1936, during the rise of Hitler. Reich theorized that without the suppression of sexuality and the imposition of anti-sexual morality, you could not have an authoritarian government, because people would be free from shame, and would trust their own sense of right and wrong. Such people are unlikely to march to war against their wishes, and we would like to think they would be unlikely to agree to operate death camps too." - The Ethical Slut

Wilhelm Reich, Random House, NY 1966 - "Throughout these essays, and in The Mass Psychology of Fascism, Reich develops a sophisticated analysis of the role of sexual repression in enforcing obedience to authority in classist, capitalist, and fascist societies"
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Acting..........was told I had talent by a performing arts teacher but I struggled so much with severe stage fright and anxiety that I never completed the course. Now, years later, I still lack the confidence and am so introverted I can't face joining a drama group.

Arts & Crafts, I wouldn't say I have talent at this but I do really enjoy it, it's just that all the materials I need cost money and it's money I don't have to spare on hobbies and frivolities.