Vaccines Debate | Page 9 | INFJ Forum

Vaccines Debate

Just had a second thought.

Perhaps treatment for certain infectious diseases should be mandatory - which indeed it is in some places. (If you got off a plane in Asia with a fever a few years ago, you were placed in mandatory quarantine).

I think refusal to take certain vaccines should require the signing of a waiver which acknowledges liability and perhaps mandatory treatment/quarantine.

Life just gets more and more annoying.
I'm speaking from the perspective of someone who's well-versed in bacteriology and virology.

1. Read about all the diseases that have vaccines. All of them. And ask yourself if you would want to risk catching that sort of infection and spreading it.
2. Read about the Influenza epidemic of 1918 and think about the role herd immunity could have played.
3. Reread [MENTION=2926]Bird[/MENTION] 's post
4. Alzheimers and other prion-related diseases tend to increase in frequency with AGE. As cells and proteins get older, their regulatory abilities decline, leading to cancers,Alzheimer's,CJD,etc.
5. I don't like mandates, but the public needs to be educated on vaccines, the pros and cons, and not choose to not vaccinate due to the ignorance of a celebrity.
I'm speaking from the perspective of someone who's well-versed in bacteriology and virology.

1. Read about all the diseases that have vaccines. All of them. And ask yourself if you would want to risk catching that sort of infection and spreading it.
2. Read about the Influenza epidemic of 1918 and think about the role herd immunity could have played.
3. Reread @Bird 's post
4. Alzheimers and other prion-related diseases tend to increase in frequency with AGE. As cells and proteins get older, their regulatory abilities decline, leading to cancers,Alzheimer's,CJD,etc.
5. I don't like mandates, but the public needs to be educated on vaccines, the pros and cons, and not choose to not vaccinate due to the ignorance of a celebrity.

If I get a bad disease that's transmittable, I really don't mind the idea of just staying home and either dying or not than putting God only knows what into me from some shoddy manufacturing. I don't even get the flu, so I'll be damned before I get a flu shot... if the flu kills me when I'm 80, then so be it. The Serengeti, Amazon or Siberia are the only places to get away from crazy shit everywhere anymore, and even there you'll have to worry about some wackos going crazy on you.
If I get a bad disease that's transmittable, I really don't mind the idea of just staying home and either dying or not than putting God only knows what into me from some shoddy manufacturing. I don't even get the flu, so I'll be damned before I get a flu shot... if the flu kills me when I'm 80, then so be it. The Serengeti, Amazon or Siberia are the only places to get away from crazy shit everywhere anymore, and even there you'll have to worry about some wackos going crazy on you.

Well that's the interesting thing about diseases. With many diseases, you are infections, and will likely infect someone else, before you yourself experience any symptoms. Therefore, you would not know if you are infectious to know to lock yourself in your house. Then, you would infect other people as well, when you could have gotten a vaccine to prevent that situation. Your argument for the flu shot I can understand (not quite as dangerous, and you might be the lucky kind that is stronger against the flu virus naturally), but is it reasonable to apply the same logic to something like whooping cough which could infect, and kill, a small child? Or perhaps meningococcal meningitis which could result in yours and another persons death?

And "shoddy manufacturing" is a bit unfair, don't you think? Vaccine regulations are some of the most strict, and cases of injury from vaccines is very rare. However if you are around an infected person with something like measles, then your chances of getting infected are quite high. Personally, I'd rather take the 0.01% risk from the vaccine than take the probably 70% risk (my being generous, some predict a 90% risk with measles) of getting infected with measles.
Well that's the interesting thing about diseases. With many diseases, you are infections, and will likely infect someone else, before you yourself experience any symptoms. Therefore, you would not know if you are infectious to know to lock yourself in your house. Then, you would infect other people as well, when you could have gotten a vaccine to prevent that situation. Your argument for the flu shot I can understand (not quite as dangerous, and you might be the lucky kind that is stronger against the flu virus naturally), but is it reasonable to apply the same logic to something like whooping cough which could infect, and kill, a small child? Or perhaps meningococcal meningitis which could result in yours and another persons death?

Time to move I guess.
Time to move I guess.

Well, if you would rather choose a life of seclusion away from technology and advanced society rather than take the extremely small risk associated with vaccines, then that is your choice. Respectfully, I would not make the former decision.
Well, if you would rather choose a life of seclusion away from technology and advanced society rather than take the extremely small risk associated with vaccines, then that is your choice. Respectfully, I would not make the former decision.

That's fine, for whatever bizarre reason, most people seem to enjoy being here.
But the amount of mercury you are actually getting isn't a major threat. You would have such a problem with drinking water because you drink like 8 (I think cups or pints, I can't remember) per day (or should). That amount of mercury will build up. But a shot is what, 10 milliliters? Therefore the amount of mercury, while substantial in that specific amount of liquid, is still insignificant in what your body is able to tolerate overall. You probably wouldn't want to eat a ton of raw fish when you got one of these shots, and of course some people are more susceptible to others, but in reality the threat is minimal :)

You're wrong

The vaccines ARE giving dangerous levels of mercury and to children who aren't able to process as much mercury, plus they are being given MANY shots
I'm speaking from the perspective of someone who's well-versed in bacteriology and virology.

1. Read about all the diseases that have vaccines. All of them. And ask yourself if you would want to risk catching that sort of infection and spreading it.
2. Read about the Influenza epidemic of 1918 and think about the role herd immunity could have played.
3. Reread @Bird 's post
4. Alzheimers and other prion-related diseases tend to increase in frequency with AGE. As cells and proteins get older, their regulatory abilities decline, leading to cancers,Alzheimer's,CJD,etc.
5. I don't like mandates, but the public needs to be educated on vaccines, the pros and cons, and not choose to not vaccinate due to the ignorance of a celebrity.

I've posted articles here that look at how what has saved us from epidemics like the influenza epidemic is actually other factors such as improved water and housing rather than vaccines
I'm sorry, but this is silly. Vaccines are not social control. They keep us healthy as a general public and as a singular individual.

No your perspective is silly because you don't know as much as you think you do

The view you are peddling here is only what you have been told by the authorities

If you blindly believe the authorities without listening to other perspectives frankly THAT is silly

You're not presenting any evidence just your opinion which has been given to you by others

Post borrowed from another forum:

So I had a debate on another website about mercury toxicity and vaccines.

Well, whaddaya know, I got the stock response that there was no evidence that Ethyl Mercury aka Thimerosal is toxic.

I was told it doesn't bioaccumulate and doesn't cause neurological damage because it can't cross the blood brain barrier.

Hmm... they used to say the same about Lead. Look what happened there.

Anyway, I went a did my own research, and look what I found from the British Medical Journal no less.
Quote:Accidental ethyl mercury poisoning with nervous system, skeletal muscle, and myocardium injury

Four case reports are presented of patients who ate the meat of a hog inadvertently
fed seed treated with fungicides containing ethyl mercury chloride. The clinical, electrophysiological, and toxicological, and in two of the patients the pathological data, showed that this organic mercury compound has a very high toxicity not only for the brain, but also for the spinal motoneurones, peripheral nerves, skeletal muscles, and myocardium.​
I was told there was absolutely no evidence, none whatsoever, that Ethyl Mercury is dangerous. And yet there it is in black-and-white from nearly 40 years ago.

I was told the amount in vaccines is neglible and therefore harmless, despite old people getting repeated exposure via annual flu vaccines just when they're most at risk from developing Alzheimer's Disease or Parkinsons.

Strange that.

Ah, yes, I must remember correlation isn't causation, silly old me.

Now it's widely recognised that Methyl Mercury is toxic; I didn't hear any dispute of that; but I did find a report which found that Thimerosal was sometimes more toxic than it.
Quote:The proportion of inorganic mercury in the brain was much higher in the thimerosal group (21–86% of total mercury) compared to the methylmercury group (6–10%). Brain concentrations of inorganic mercury were approximately twice as high in the thimerosal group compared to the methylmercury group. Inorganic mercury remains in the brain much longer than organic mercury, with an estimated half-life of more than a year.
Yet I was told that this was impossible by medical experts.

I'm pretty sure one day the medical establishment will renege on what the orthodox view of mercury safety and finally claim it's toxic in all its forms, just as they now acknowledge lead to be poisonous.

But it's going to be a long fight to get us there.

Strange that.

So I continued my search on Ethyl Mercury toxicity and I found this statement from a professor at the University of Kentucky. Here's what he had to say.

Quote:In my laboratory we have recently done an evaluation of the potential in vitro toxicity of vaccines containing thimerosal as a “preservative” versus those vaccines not containing thimerosal.

In these preliminary studies, vaccines with thimerosal added consistently demonstrated in vitro toxicity that was markedly greater than the non thimerosal or low thimerosal containing vaccines. We also compared the toxicity of the vaccine solutions with solutions of pure thimerosal and with solutions of mercury chloride.

Mercury is a known neurotoxin and its mechanism of neurotoxicity has been studied in our laboratory for the past 10 years. To determine the relative toxicity we used two different biological testing systems: (i) brain homogenates and (ii) a mixture of four purified mammalian enzymes.

In human brain homogenates we had earlier observed that mercuric ion rapidly inhibited tubulin viability at low micromolar levels. mimicking the situation in Alzheimer’s diseased brain, but was less toxic to actin (see Figures 1 & 2). Both tubulin and actin are polymerizing proteins that are actively involved in neurite growth cone activity.

In contrast to mercuric ion, vaccines containing thimerosal inhibited both tubulin and actin viability (see Figure 3). This would indicate that thimerosal has the potential to be much more damaging to neurite development than equivalent levels of mercuric ion.

It is my hypothesis that thimerosal releases ethyl mercury which most certainly interferes with neurite growth and neuronal development in infants through rapid inhibition of several thiol sensitive enzymes/proteins including actin, tubulin and creatine kinase. This supports the concept that thimerosal in biological solutions injected into the human body could cause a number of systemic problems identified as disease states.
Funny that. I guess not everyone got the memo that Ethyl Mercury can be dangerous.

Population Control - By The Billionaires Club

Besides being billionaires, what do Warren Buffet, Ted Turner, George Soros, Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, Michael Bloomberg, and Oprah Winfrey have in common? They are all interested in controlling the world’s populations.

Ted Turner, the billionaire media mogul, has called for a 95% reduction in the world’s population through means such as Communist-style one child policies.

In China, these policies are enforced through taxes on subsequent children and intimidation programs which include secret police and so called family planning authorities. These authorities use methods such as kidnapping and forced abortion of pregnant women.

According to a recent article in The Christian Post, The world’s fourth richest man, Warren Buffet, has contributed millions of dollars to pay for abortions worldwide. In fact, in 2013, through his Buffet Foundation, he contributed millions of dollars to an organization that facilitated 1.2 million abortions last year.

Also, Buffet has contributed millions toward the dispensing of the abortion drugs misoprostol, mifopristone/misoprostol combination packs, and manual vacuum aspiration kits, particularly to rural and hard-to-reach consumers in developing lands.

Bill and Melinda Gates, through their Gates Foundation, have called for reducing the world’s population by 11%, or one billion. Gates has pushed for the so called “Billionaires Club” to adopt population control as their “Umbrella Project

Interestingly, American President, Barrack Obama and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, launched the the World Obama Global Health Initiative, which was merely an extension and expansion of the UN’s global population control program begun fifteen years earlier.

In addition to the aforementioned billionaires, other supporters of Obama’s Global Health Initiative (GHI) are the World Economic Forum, the Clinton Global Iniative, the UN Foundation, and International Planned Parenthood Federations.

These billionaires and leaders from these groups, have met secretly, several times over the past several years, in different locations, to develop” a strategy in which population growth would be tackled as a potentially disastrous environmental, social, and industrial threat.”

What techniques might be being used to reduce population levels? The top three methods, according to some are; unsustainable and exploitative international development, leading to massive hunger, starvation, and worldwide famine, the fomentation of war and hatred, and finally, global pandemic, plague, and pestilence on an unprecedented scale.” These three would kill millions prematurely each year.

Other schemes include; the build up and use of nuclear, chemical and biologic agents, poisoning and contamination of food and water supplies, the use of deadly pharmaceuticals in society, and the spread of deadly viruses.

Bill Gates has revealed one of his alarming methods for decreasing population, the use of vaccines. I an interview with CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta, in 2011, he stated that child sickness and deaths are not the only benefits of an extensive vaccine program, population control is an equally beneficial affect of a well funded vaccination program.

In 2014, it was reported that 47,500 Indian children were paralyzed due to a Gates sponsored polio vaccination program using a drug, no longer used in the US due to safety concerns and risk of paralysis.

In his book, “Killing Us Softly; Causes and Consequences of the Global Depopulation Policy” author and researcher, Kevin Galalee reveals that since these de -population policies have been imposed, two billion births have been prevented, and 500 million premature deaths have occurred.
Unfortunately, this has not decreased population levels fast enough for the privileged, ruling elite. The goal for the future is to take a more “voracious toll as global population levels continue to rise”, according to Dr. Stanley Monteith, of

The environmental movement has been hijacked and is being used to promote the de-population agenda. Mans “carbon footprint” is said to be a major reason to reduce population and thus” save the planet.”

So what is the motive behind this desire to control the population growth of the world? Is it a truly altruistic and philanthropic desire to ease human suffering and protect the planet?

Or is it that these elite billionaires view themselves as better, more worthy, and superior to the average world citizen, who in their view, take up space and consume too many resources? Is this just the eugenics of the past revamped for today?

Could this be part of a larger Globalist agenda to promote a One World Government or New World Order?
Vaccines are used to ''reduce population growth'' says Bill Gates:


Bill Gates on climate change saying we must use vaccines to REDUCE THE GLOBAL POPULATION:


Say what Bill? Reduce the population?

How do vaccines do that if they help people?
Thimerosol has been removed from vaccines in the U.S. since 2003, accept in influenza vaccines and a few others, which has thimerosol present in a concentration that is far less than the daily toxicity level, which is based on methyl mercury toxicity levels and not the ethylmercury that thimerosol metabolizes into. So even if the summation of thimerosol dosages given to infants before 2003 exceeded the maximum daily allowance of methylmercury for up to the 18 days that ethylmercury circulates throughout the body, and there was a risk of autism at such dosages(in which causation has not been demonstrated), there is certainly little to no risk in the U.S. today. So the smoking gun of the anti-vaccine campaign is really of no concern. The CDC recommended the removal of thimerosol to appease people those who tried to make an emotional appeal, based on pseudoscience, to the general public, causing many in the public to forgo getting vaccinations, which raised public health concerns.

Here is some additional information for those interested in thimerosol in vaccinations
Thimerosol has been removed from vaccines in the U.S. since 2003, accept in influenza vaccines and a few others, which has thimerosol present in a concentration that is far less than the daily toxicity level, which is based on methyl mercury toxicity levels and not the ethylmercury that thimerosol metabolizes into. So even if the summation of thimerosol dosages given to infants before 2003 exceeded the maximum daily allowance of methylmercury for up to the 18 days that ethylmercury circulates throughout the body, and there was a risk of autism at such dosages(in which causation has not been demonstrated), there is certainly little to no risk in the U.S. today. So the smoking gun of the anti-vaccine campaign is really of no concern. The CDC recommended the removal of thimerosol to appease people those who tried to make an emotional appeal, based on pseudoscience, to the general public, causing many in the public to forgo getting vaccinations, which raised public health concerns.

Here is some additional information for those interested in thimerosol in vaccinations


The flu vaccine contains thimerosal

Also think about it for a moment......

The CDC and FDA who are the people you are supposed to trust were feeding you thimerosal STRAIGHT INTO YOUR BLOODSTREAM until a PUBLIC OUTCRY STOPPED THEM

Do you understand? The only thing that has lessened the poisoning that the authorities were knowingly and willfully carrying out was an outcry from the public

Do you understand? Public=right, lying authorities=wrong

[h=2]The Dangers of Thimerosal and Mercury[/h] In June of 1999, the Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products in Europe, the equivalent of the U.S.’s FDA, completed an 18-month inquiry into the risks and benefits of using thimerosal in vaccines. They concluded that, “although there is not evidence of harm caused by the level of exposure from vaccines, it would be prudent to promote the general use of vaccines without thimerosal.” It was then that the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) confirmed that thimerosal was present in over 30 licenses vaccines in the U.S. in concentrations of 0.003% to 0.01%. CBER than make the remarkable discovery than the mercury intake through vaccination in the first six months of life exceeded the limit set by the EPA.
Mercury is the second most toxic element on earth to plutonium. Toxicity of mercury has been linked to many different diseases, including autism, learning disabilities, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, depression, and bipolar disorder. The amount of mercury found in one mercury thermometer is enough to pollute a small lake.
Health effects of mercury toxicity have been a concern because of the potential for it to act as a poison. Toxic doses of mercury can cause developmental effects in the fetus, as well as affecting the kidney and the nervous system in children and adults. Mercury exists in a number of different chemical forms, each one consisting of different levels of toxicity. The forms of mercury can also be converted from one to another in the environment and in the body, so symptoms caused by mercury poisoning depends on the precise chemical forms involved.
Mercury can be toxic when inhaled, eaten, or when placed on the skin. Low concentrations of mercury may appear to have no effect but signs of toxicity can develop later or become more noticeable with continued exposure. When toxicity in humans takes place loss of feeling or a burning sensation in arms and legs, psychological effects, loss of memory, loss of vision, loss of hearing, paralysis, congenital malformations, kidney toxicity, and death may occur. Prenatal toxicity can result in a child with normal appearance at birth but who later exhibits a developmental delay in the ability to walk and/or talk. Because of the long latent period for observable effects, the need for treatment may be recognized too late.
Health effects vary according to the amount of mercury exposure is taken into the body. The health risks of mercury at low levels of exposure remain uncertain, but this continues to be a highly debatable topic with ongoing scientific investigation. Fetuses, infants and small children appear to be particularly sensitive to mercury because their brains are still developing. Vaccines with mercury have been considered to contribute to autism, learning disabilities, Alzheimer’s Disease, and other neurological conditions, and an FDA review conducted in 1998 determined that, at the time, children who received the full complement of childhood vaccines were potentially exposed to levels of mercury that were sometimes 30 to 50 times the acceptable levels established by the EPA.
High-level exposures to mercury can cause serious effects or even be lethal. Several historical examples of epidemic mercury poisonings in other parts of the world provide classic examples of investigative epidemiology and toxicology and serve to highlight the reasons why regulators are concerned about mercury. Effects on the brain and nervous system are frequently seen with high-level exposures to mercury and can be quite severe.

The flu vaccine contains thimerosal

Also think about it for a moment......

The CDC and FDA who are the people you are supposed to trust were feeding you thimerosal STRAIGHT INTO YOUR BLOODSTREAM until a PUBLIC OUTCRY STOPPED THEM

Do you understand? The only thing that has lessened the poisoning that the authorities were knowingly and willfully carrying out was an outcry from the public

Do you understand? Public=right, lying authorities=wrong

Yes, I know. Thimerosol is in the flu vaccine. I said so myself above. Wasn't it you who argued that it was the large number of vaccines that infants received, which contained thimerosol, that caused autism. It was because the total thimerosol injected far exceeded the daily threshold for toxicity? A flu shot is far below that threshold. So now you're saying that any dosage of thimerosol whatsoever causes autism. This is not supported by any evidence. So which is it? High dose or low dose?Let me ask you this: If all of the elements you suspect of causing autism were removed, would you be just as opposed to vaccinations? It seems no amount of evidence demonstrating no link is of no use to you.
Yes, I know. Thimerosol is in the flu vaccine. I said so myself above. Wasn't it you who argued that it was the large number of vaccines that infants received, which contained thimerosol, that caused autism. It was because the total thimerosol injected far exceeded the daily threshold for toxicity? A flu shot is far below that threshold. So now you're saying that any dosage of thimerosol whatsoever causes autism. This is not supported by any evidence. So which is it? High dose or low dose?Let me ask you this: If all of the elements you suspect of causing autism were removed, would you be just as opposed to vaccinations? It seems no amount of evidence demonstrating no link is of no use to you.

Every persons immune system is different, you cannot have a one size fits all approach:

[h=1]Vaccine-induced immune overload now affects majority of US children, study finds[/h]

Immunity is crucial. But the artificial kind brought about by vaccines can be extremely damaging, especially when the body's immune response is too strong. A groundbreaking new study published in the peer-reviewed journal Molecular and Genetic Medicine highlights the consequences of this vaccine-induced immune overload, stating that the majority of American children now suffer from the often debilitating condition.

Dr. J. Bart Classen, M.D., an immunologist with extensive knowledge about vaccine adverse events, recently investigated the current epidemic of inflammatory diseases among children. Cases of type-1 diabetes, type-2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, autoimmune disorders, asthma and food allergies have been steadily increasing over the years, corresponding directly with an increase in the number of vaccines on the official vaccination schedule for children.

This is not a coincidence, according to Dr. Classen's research, as the immune responses generated by vaccines are known to cause inflammation in many people. When too many vaccines are given at once, or within a very short period of time, the body may experience an immune overload resulting in an inflammatory response.

"We have been publishing for years that vaccines are causing an epidemic of inflammatory diseases including diabetes, obesity and autism," says Dr. Classen. "However, the number of vaccines given to children has continued to rise to a point where we have reached a state of immune overload in roughly the majority of young U.S. children."

[h=1]One-size-fits-all vaccines harm many children[/h] Like with adding a standard amount of fluoride chemicals to public water supplies, the one-size-fits-all vaccine approach is problematic for many children. Each child is inherently unique, which means his or her immune system is also unique. But set vaccine schedules and doses based on age fail to take any of this into account, which ends up overwhelming many children's immune systems.

In order for vaccines to work as intended, explains Dr. Classen, each vaccine dose given at a certain age must generate the appropriate protective immune response in those with the weakest immune systems, and in at least 90 percent of children. But in the process of doing this, a great number of children end up having their immune systems over-stimulated.

"The process of over stimulating the immune system time and time again increases the risk of inflammatory diseases like autoimmune diseases, and allergies which cause even more inflammation," writes Dr. Classen in his paper. "Inflammation causes the release of cytokines which can trigger autoimmune diseases but also stimulate cortisol production, the major negative feedback loop of the immune system."

[h=1]Increase in diabetes and pre-diabetes caused by immune overstimulation[/h] It is this steady production of cortisol in response to inflammation that is so problematic. Individuals who suffer from this often tend to develop inflammation-related diseases like type-2 diabetes. They also tend to be obese and suffer from various symptoms of metabolic syndrome, demonstrating how a vaccine-induced immune response can ultimately trigger these and other diseases.

"The best data indicates that vaccine induced chronic disease is now of a magnitude that dwarfs almost all prior poisoning of humans including poisoning from agents like asbestos, low dose radiation, lead and even cigarettes," adds Dr. Classen.

"Most patients don't even realize that they are suffering from the adverse effects of vaccines. Even more concerning is that patients and/or their parents are being harassed and accused of practicing poor dieting and exercise habits, leading to the development of obesity and diabetes, when in fact they suffer from vaccine induced obesity and diabetes."

You can access a full PDF of Dr. Classen's peer-reviewed paper here:

Sources for this article include: