Unfulfilled job openings...!


Passing through
This is an interesting article, mostly because I could see a new job opportunity opening here. If the problem is companies aren't finding enough qualified candidates (and the only seekers are entry level seekers) then, shouldn't there be a market for internships and companies willing to train job seekers? Maybe the government should start putting money into internship programs to ready the entry level job seekers.


Despite millions of job seekers, many positions sit open

* By Jessica Dickler, CNNMoney.com staff writer
* On 1:50 pm EST, Tuesday November 3, 2009

Despite millions of unemployed job seekers desperate for work, many open positions are languishing unfilled. The reason? Not enough candidates.

With job openings largely concentrated in specialized industries like health care, green technology and energy, some employers say the problem is finding qualified workers, which are in short supply. Meanwhile, they are inundated with eager candidates from other industries who lack the skills and experience that the job requires.

According to a recent survey by Human Capital Institute and TheLadders, more than half of employers said "quality of candidates" or "availability of candidates" are their greatest challenges -- despite the recession.

Mary Willoughby, the director of human resources at the Center for Disability Rights in Rochester, New York, has been trying to hire registered nurses, home health aides and service coordinators for several of the agencies that she oversees.

Many of the positions, which require specific skills and offer salaries in the range of $30,000 to $45,000, have been vacant for six months or longer.

The job postings, which appear on CareerBuilder, Craigslist and some regional sites, garner a lot of attention, she says. "We get tons of r
It seems as if human resources and management need to rethink their position.

A service coordinator position, knocking back someone with a bachelors degree in mathematics, or even an office clerk? I know that role, and an office clerk could easily fill it with a fortnights training.

Can't find employees? That's not the job markets fault, that's the companies. Arby, the fault lies with the company, the government shouldn't have to fund anything.

I can understand the medical profession though. But the government doesn't subsidise the medical degrees in the US, so there's not enough people being trained.
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This is an interesting article, mostly because I could see a new job opportunity opening here. If the problem is companies aren't finding enough qualified candidates (and the only seekers are entry level seekers) then, shouldn't there be a market for internships and companies willing to train job seekers? Maybe the government should start putting money into internship programs to ready the entry level job seekers.


Link: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Despite-millions-of-job-cnnm-215026799.html?x=0&mod=career-work

Well, yes. Brilliant.
Or someone could start a "grooming" company.

These companies need to realize that many skills are transferrable. They're probably passing over great people because they are looking for a 100% perfect fit, i.e. someone who has done the exact same job before (and left it) instead of looking for someone with solid skills, the ability to learn quickly, work hard, and a desire to grow professionally. THAT kind of thing is money in the bank, if you ask me, and that is what I'd be looking for if I were a hiring professional.