Unexplained/Unintentional Popularity?? | Page 3 | INFJ Forum

Unexplained/Unintentional Popularity??

But it has very often caused men to think I am into them, like you said, and IT CREEPS ME OUT like it does you. I think because with these types, the reaction is so forward, and that is a real turn-off to me. I thought this would stop when I got married, but it didn't. I was deployed to Iraq and a fellow officer decided that I wanted him. He pulled me aside and told me he saw how I looked at him, and yes, he would be interested in having a "thing" with me. Yuck. He was married with kids the same age as mine. So this has often led to not-so-awesome experiences. And no, @UBERROGO , I am not a supermodel. I swear. I'll send you a pic if you don't believe me. It's the eye gaze. I really believe it now.

Dont put too much stock into being hit on during a deployment. A 1 in garrison is a 10 in the field.
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Dont put too much stock ininto being hit on during a deployment. A 1 in garrison is a 10 in the field.

For some reason I find your comments very amusing. I don't know if you intend them to be? Or if you really are just very blunt and cynical? Either way, you're growing on me whether you like it or not.

You know, I really don't think every man wants me. Now women...that's another story. :tongue:

But you are completely correct about men hitting on women during deployments. I also was hit on by a girl. Yeah. She was a little less yuck, though. Although the guy was pretty good looking. I guess it wasn't significant that I was hit on. What was significant was that he believed I was into him enough to sleep with him and risk his career by asking, based on how I was looking at him. It didn't click at the time that I was doing something out of the ordinary. Now I think I was. And he was pretty cocky and narcissistic, as was suggested before, with the types who would run with these looks and the feelings they get about themselves from them.

Okay, my daughter is driving me crazy wanting to type. She's 5... Her name is Sophianna, but she is going by "Brady" right now. She got her hair cut like a boy and will only wear Spiderman and Ninja Turtle shirts. She is me when I was 5. Scary... :crazy: So here is her contribution this morning:

Hi everyone!

I have a question. I'm wondering if this is maybe an INFJ trait. I am guessing it is, but I would like to hear from others. Might be fun to discuss experiences with this...

So, my whole life, but especially as I get older, I find that I am unintentionally popular. I am not in anyway seeking to be, and it's not a sense of pride or something I even value--it's just something that has always puzzled me.

This is kind of what happens: I walk into a situation where I don't know anyone--let's say a university class. For the first week or so I am my usual quiet self sitting alone on the outside of the group. Reserved. Friendly. Caring. Etc. Then, about a week into it, I notice that people are sitting next to me. Kind of gravitating. It's weird. I am not making this up!!!! By about the third week most of the class have pretty much done this and I have gone from being in the back of the room on the side to kind of being in the middle, surrounded by everyone. And they all think they have made a new friend in me. And I think little to nothing of them other than caring about them as people with feelings and needs and insecurities, etc.

I guess it's flattering...except that I have no idea at all WHY. This will even happen on the city bus. I am not joking. People will sit by me when they walk in and are looking for a seat, even if there are other areas of the bus that are empty and more preferable. They will start talking to me like they know me. At times I have thought, "Oh shoot, am I supposed to know this person??? I don't think I have ever met them!!!"

What is up with this???? Anyone else deal with this...wouldn't call it a "problem"...but a weird pretty much daily situation??? Is this an INFJ "thing"?

It's because you look pretty, duh!
I have experienced this as well, but only if there are opportunities for classroom interaction that I'm comfortable with. Haha, I guess I'm pretty confident though...even if I don't like to admit it. Dudemanbro could be right too though, a little bit of good looks go a long way :p (that's just the way people are)