Types, functions and music


So, this theory came completely from nowhere and probably is not very scientific, but:)...

You know these threads where we type artists and music. It is obvious that types and functions are very strong in some songs or artist's work in general.
Is it possible that listening certain music can provoke certain functions. In other words, can music effect our functioning.
For example, these day I often listen artist that from some reason give me vibre od very strong Fi ( I am not so good in processes, but Fi in a way of being aware of "what I feel and have to do because it's right thing to feel and do"). After few days I realised that my Fe is not so quick as usual..I don't know how to explain, strange...It's as I feel more independent and "untouchable" than it's usual.
Whatever. What do you think? Can music effect in that way? Your toughts and examples, please:)
I largely ignore lyrics.

I'm more interested in why certain textural qualities attract certain people.
I largely ignore lyrics.

I'm more interested in why certain textural qualities attract certain people.

Good question, does type reveals only in lyrics or in music also?
One of answers to your question. Maybe people are attracted to similarity in texts or to ideals they look for.
I mean no offense, but I felt compelled to point out that he didn't ask a question.

I'll reply to this with a real response when it isn't 3AM the night before I have a job interview.
music structure...

Chord structure and progression can describe an ideal, represent a thought, and express emotions. I've played guitar for 40 years, and have played professionally and in the studio, so I have some experience in the field.

As examples:
Major chord - completness, extroversion
Minor chord - strong emotion, sadness
Diminished chord - yearning, searching
Suspended chord - incompleteness, variability
Major 7th Chord - gentleness, harmony
Minor 7th Chord - motion, energy

This goes on for other chords I haven't mentioned. As far as chord progression is concerned, the key is to put chords together so that there is resolution at the end of the progression. This is the structure of the song. Many very simple songs don't really have much structure as there are only two or three chords, and these kinds of constructs generally engender basic ideas and emotions. The more complex chord structure and progression produce a higher degree of thought and emotions because of the tension produced as you go through the chord progression.