Type this person.


Well-known member
9w8 sp/sx
I will try to remain as objective as possible, to provide observations..

  • Does absurd things in public to amuse self
  • When I confided, "I don't know who I am" they leaned in and matching my whispering voice said, "I don't know that either."
  • Is drawn to adventures and experiences
  • Leaves details open
  • Says everything they do is motivated by feeling
  • Doesn't adhere to most norms
  • Loves nature
  • Speaks in metaphors
  • Speaks to strangers
  • Socially aware; speaks of future global problems
  • Stated they see self as 'caretaker' sometimes

I'm thinking ENFP. Consensus?
Yeah, it was almost too easy, wasn't it? At first I was thinking ESFP, but then there's too much intuiting going on there.

Yeehaw. I think I snagged me an ENFP dude.
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Hey, I have one of these too, when you're done let me jump in.
Yeah, it was almost too easy, wasn't it? At first I was thinking ESFP, but then there's too much intuiting going on there.

Yeehaw. I think I snagged me an ENFP dude.

oh yay!

You go have fun with that. I could never be in a relationship with an ENFP.
oh yay!

You go have fun with that. I could never be in a relationship with an ENFP.
Why not? I have a few female ENFP friends and I think that the things they have in common that typify them are amazing.

I love the wild adventurous spontaneity and yet the propensity to be socially aware and involved. I love the soul searching philosophizing. Plus the friendliness, attentiveness, and warmth that borders on crossing boundaries.
ENFPs draw you in, but they pretty much have nothing to offer but sex.

Just sayin.
I disagree. INTJs draw you in, but all they have to offer is sex.

Maybe I just like NF conversations more. I enjoy people who share a similiar worldview to myself and similar concerns. I'd date myself if I could.

INTJs are actually quite appalling to the majority of the human race. What they have to offer is nitpickeyness and binocular-vision, noticing every fucking damn detail until you just want to smack them ( in a lovingly way, of course).

ENFPs say they'll put out, and then they do to everyone but you :(
I guess that's the appeal.
Why not? I have a few female ENFP friends and I think that the things they have in common that typify them are amazing.

I love the wild adventurous spontaneity and yet the propensity to be socially aware and involved. I love the soul searching philosophizing. Plus the friendliness, attentiveness, and warmth that borders on crossing boundaries.

I have alot of ENFP friends, and I know the type pretty well. I love them as friends. In a relationship though, I'd want to beat them over the head with a shovel. Way way way too many emotional ups and downs, much too spontenious / non-planning, and too needy. I need someone who is not very emotional, and who has alot of direction.
Alright, time to hijack this thread. Type THIS person:
  • Is extremely unsociable. He sees his parents on lunch breaks, that's it. Never goes out, has no friends outside of his immediate family.
  • Does not respond well to small talk. Will not respond to the questions "how are you?" "Do you like the forth of july?" Questions of that level.
  • Does not initiate conversation. Avoids most talking, though responds when talked to if there is a specific answer to a question. Example: How old are you? He will answer this.
  • Does not remember, or claims not to remember personal details of the past when asked questions about them. "Did you like school as a child?" would be answered with either "I don't remember" or "I don't know, I haven't thought about it for a long time."
  • Has a strong interest in the Sciences, speciafically Neurology. However he is aware that these 'beliefs' in Science make him partially biased to other idea formats, so he tends to say that he will study neurology until a more accurate field surfaces.
  • Is strongly against religion. Athiest.
  • About a year ago, decided to switch to an old version of the keyboard that was supposed to be designed more accurately for the natural typing. He types 110 words per minute on a regular keyboard, and mentioned it was disturbing when your typing went from 110 words to minutes to 30.
A conversation snippet that also may help:

?: I think at some point I just stopped thinking about the rationale of other people.

Me: Which was caused by...

?: So now I don't try to evaluate or understand what other people do.

?: I'm not sure.

?: Oh wait, now I remember.

Me: That was fast.

?: Actually, remembering why just defeated my own explanation. Because part of the reason is that I decided that it's impossible to genuinely understand anyone, including oneself, with any accuracy.

And another one:

?: I only have a vague understanding of how universities and schools work, so I don't exactly know what I'm talking about.

?: There are a few things that I deliberately don't learn anything about because the topic disgusts me.

?: Like how college and university works, how to do taxes, how to fix cars, the rules of sports games.

Me: I don't like sports either but I am curious about fixing cars purely because I don't want to get ripped off by a mechanic

Me: But I think learning those sort of systems takes too much time for me, I don't do well with in-depth topics where you have to know this and that to do this

Me: Everything is like that a little bit, but when you aren't remotely interested in it that's when it becomes impossible.

?: I hate it enough to spend money unnecessarily at the mechanic.

Me: I've never attempted to learn about mechanics

Me: so I have no idea whether I like it or not

?: I also used to just take my tax things to H&R Block and make them do it for a $100.00 fee even though doing it myself would take less than an hour.

Me: You don't anymore?

?: I would probably like the actual mechanics of it, but cars are so heavily associated with horrible people in my head that I don't want to have anything to do with it.

Me: Care to explain that a little bit?

? : I associate it in my own mind with beer-drinking tough guys because those are the kind of people I knew who were into cars.
Me: Ahh.

Me: Associations are the worst.

?:I avoided knowing anything about cars so that I would have no common point of interest with those people.

Me: That's a bit extreme

?: And the habit has persisted even though I don't have to deal with those kinds of people anymore.
For Slant: Introverted Sensor- I'm not sure about the rest. I wanna say ISTJ.
I'd say either INTP or INTJ.

Being extremely against religion and a proclaimed atheist sounds INTJ.. very finalized. I'm going to speculate INTPs aren't so adamant about personal beliefs..

But then again, could be INTP:
Has a strong interest in the Sciences, speciafically Neurology. However he is aware that these 'beliefs' in Science make him partially biased to other idea formats, so he tends to say that he will study neurology until a more accurate field surfaces.
A concern for bias sounds INTP and the fact that he is open to studying until he has something more accurate to study.
I was leaning towards INTP myself. But I am not entirely positive.

His siblings are INTP and INTJ, so it would make sense for him to be an INT. But he is so different from his INTP sister, more similar to his INTJ sister but they are all pretty different being different people and all.
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INTJs are usually more skilled socially. They'll answer your questions kindly enough and secretly hate you for it all the while. I can imagine an INTP just ignoring stupid questions.
Pat yourself on the back and shove him into your chinese box. You've got yourself an INTP.