Type me please (winner gets a candy bar)


Hi everybody! I come here today in hopes the collective wisdom of you all will be able to help aid me in my quest to self-understanding, and self-betterment. I don't want to spend too much time on this prologue as I have a habit of being long-winded with respect to my writings. What I will say before diving into it, is that I am well-versed (I need to slow down on these hyphens), and have a firm understanding on the functions. With much reflection over the years, I have found a few functions I believe I favor. I'll dive into those shortly, but as far as the types are concerned, I believe I have nailed it down to 4 options: ENFJ, INFJ, ENTP, and INTP. The latter would be the least likely, but you may be able to convince me otherwise.

What I believe I have: Fe and Ti. What I am most confident telling you all is that these two functions are somewhere in my stack. I have it within me to make others happy, be fun, and to bring about a positive energy to those around me. Where the Ti belief comes from, is that I feel I have reasoned my way into believing Fe is the way I want to live my life (not to say you Fi users out there are wrong or inadequate). I have deduced my way into feeling a particular way about a number of topics such as video games, social media, movies, being shy, what I'm looking for in life, and so on and so forth. What's interesting about the Ti I believe I use, is that it's something that's more so used with energy spikes. I deduce a topic for a few minutes, then sort of tell myself to sit on things, and revisit the topic at a later time (which will subconsciously sort of pop up again).

As far as being E/I, I'm cautiously confident in saying I'm introverted. What's interesting though, is that I find myself to be more outgoing and energetic than a lot of people I know to be extroverts. The reason being that I deduced my way into understanding the affects of being shy, and the importance of connecting with others. I make the most out of my interactions with the people, as I think that's the way it should be. I see the world and the people in it as one. As far as the gaining energy/being depleted of energy amongst people, I find that difficult to speak at large on because I usually don't (whilst sober), subject myself to large groups of people. I joined a fraternity in college to help me get out there and really perfect the act of normal socialization. What I will say is that I am always in my own world, contemplating my own experience on Earth. I'm not reactionary, I'm considerate- to which I move forward in a manner I deem appropriate.

Ne or Ni... This is where you guys really come in. The way I would say my mind works, is like being a spectator of a movie/radio show. There's always a track moving along in my head to which I envision a dialogue with people, revisit a memory, daydream, etc. It's always moving and I have only recently learned to shut it off when with people in the real world (a little bit of meditation and alcohol helped). I see the world as something of a puzzle, piecing together everything which grants me wisdom I am ultimately searching for. I am and love to be creative. I'm a dreamer. There's a long list of things I want to and plan to do. What I understand is that in order to live these dreams, I must take proper steps to see them come to light. I don't follow a strict guideline, I follow a tentative itinerary. I prefer a loose idea of what's going on, to which I can make the most of the moment in which I live.

Final thoughts and interests which may help you determine what I may be.

Like I said, I love to create. I find I'm happiest when I'm not stuck in a box. I want to be able to use my mind and create when thinking of potential careers. I've always planned to be a high school teacher, as I believe the career would be fun, rewarding, and insightful. I'm not money motivated. I want to spread some wisdom to young men and women who need it (I know I did at that age). I've played the drums for 10 years and recently picked up the guitar. I am a sports guy, although I find my interest has weened in the past few years. I find that football (go Browns), and MMA are the two that reign supreme to me at this point. I used to be in Taekwondo, and plan on joining other martial arts schools as I find them to be incredible opportunities for both physical and mental wellbeing. My best friend is an ENTP who majored in philosophy, so you could say I have a lot of first hand experience and training on how to think in a Ti fashion. I love learning, in particular about philosophy, psychology, sciences, and the world.
In a nutshell, I want to live a life full of meaning and memories. I want to create, inspire, and make the most of my time on this Earth.

I hope this dissertation hasn't been too lengthy. I appreciate any and all responses and wish you all the best.
Hi everybody! I come here today in hopes the collective wisdom of you all will be able to help aid me in my quest to self-understanding, and self-betterment. I don't want to spend too much time on this prologue as I have a habit of being long-winded with respect to my writings. What I will say before diving into it, is that I am well-versed (I need to slow down on these hyphens), and have a firm understanding on the functions. With much reflection over the years, I have found a few functions I believe I favor. I'll dive into those shortly, but as far as the types are concerned, I believe I have nailed it down to 4 options: ENFJ, INFJ, ENTP, and INTP. The latter would be the least likely, but you may be able to convince me otherwise.

What I believe I have: Fe and Ti. What I am most confident telling you all is that these two functions are somewhere in my stack. I have it within me to make others happy, be fun, and to bring about a positive energy to those around me. Where the Ti belief comes from, is that I feel I have reasoned my way into believing Fe is the way I want to live my life (not to say you Fi users out there are wrong or inadequate). I have deduced my way into feeling a particular way about a number of topics such as video games, social media, movies, being shy, what I'm looking for in life, and so on and so forth. What's interesting about the Ti I believe I use, is that it's something that's more so used with energy spikes. I deduce a topic for a few minutes, then sort of tell myself to sit on things, and revisit the topic at a later time (which will subconsciously sort of pop up again).

As far as being E/I, I'm cautiously confident in saying I'm introverted. What's interesting though, is that I find myself to be more outgoing and energetic than a lot of people I know to be extroverts. The reason being that I deduced my way into understanding the affects of being shy, and the importance of connecting with others. I make the most out of my interactions with the people, as I think that's the way it should be. I see the world and the people in it as one. As far as the gaining energy/being depleted of energy amongst people, I find that difficult to speak at large on because I usually don't (whilst sober), subject myself to large groups of people. I joined a fraternity in college to help me get out there and really perfect the act of normal socialization. What I will say is that I am always in my own world, contemplating my own experience on Earth. I'm not reactionary, I'm considerate- to which I move forward in a manner I deem appropriate.

Ne or Ni... This is where you guys really come in. The way I would say my mind works, is like being a spectator of a movie/radio show. There's always a track moving along in my head to which I envision a dialogue with people, revisit a memory, daydream, etc. It's always moving and I have only recently learned to shut it off when with people in the real world (a little bit of meditation and alcohol helped). I see the world as something of a puzzle, piecing together everything which grants me wisdom I am ultimately searching for. I am and love to be creative. I'm a dreamer. There's a long list of things I want to and plan to do. What I understand is that in order to live these dreams, I must take proper steps to see them come to light. I don't follow a strict guideline, I follow a tentative itinerary. I prefer a loose idea of what's going on, to which I can make the most of the moment in which I live.

Final thoughts and interests which may help you determine what I may be.

Like I said, I love to create. I find I'm happiest when I'm not stuck in a box. I want to be able to use my mind and create when thinking of potential careers. I've always planned to be a high school teacher, as I believe the career would be fun, rewarding, and insightful. I'm not money motivated. I want to spread some wisdom to young men and women who need it (I know I did at that age). I've played the drums for 10 years and recently picked up the guitar. I am a sports guy, although I find my interest has weened in the past few years. I find that football (go Browns), and MMA are the two that reign supreme to me at this point. I used to be in Taekwondo, and plan on joining other martial arts schools as I find them to be incredible opportunities for both physical and mental wellbeing. My best friend is an ENTP who majored in philosophy, so you could say I have a lot of first hand experience and training on how to think in a Ti fashion. I love learning, in particular about philosophy, psychology, sciences, and the world.
In a nutshell, I want to live a life full of meaning and memories. I want to create, inspire, and make the most of my time on this Earth.

I hope this dissertation hasn't been too lengthy. I appreciate any and all responses and wish you all the best.

This is very much tentative, but I get an extroverted vibe from your post (and thread title). What suggests to you that you're likely an introvert?

I get an ENTP vibe but could be totally wrong.
Haha, alright you got me at candy bar. Better be Reese's or Almond Joy if I win. :p

Hmm from what you describe, you definitely seem more either INTP/ ENTP, maybe INFJ; but unfortunately it is a bit hard to tell since we INFJs have this tendency to be rather chameleon in our approach when it comes to extrovertedness and sometimes surprise people that we need to be alone and need to be in our own inner bubble, and be rather quite private individuals.

Which comes to my question actually, are you a private type of person or rather open?

And also nice! I also used to be in Tae Kwon Do myself (2nd Dan Black Belt) and played soccer. I do intend to go back in Tae Kwon Do, but since I am also in college, it is a bit hard to find some time unfortunately.
I see where your confusion is coming from. I am not normally one to make such quick decisions, but to be honest, you strike me very much as an ENTP.

Ne or Ni... This is where you guys really come in. The way I would say my mind works, is like being a spectator of a movie/radio show. There's always a track moving along in my head to which I envision a dialogue with people, revisit a memory, daydream, etc. It's always moving and I have only recently learned to shut it off when with people in the real world (a little bit of meditation and alcohol helped). I see the world as something of a puzzle, piecing together everything which grants me wisdom I am ultimately searching for. I am and love to be creative. I'm a dreamer. There's a long list of things I want to and plan to do. What I understand is that in order to live these dreams, I must take proper steps to see them come to light. I don't follow a strict guideline, I follow a tentative itinerary. I prefer a loose idea of what's going on, to which I can make the most of the moment in which I live.
Like I said, I love to create. I find I'm happiest when I'm not stuck in a box. I want to be able to use my mind and create when thinking of potential careers. I've always planned to be a high school teacher, as I believe the career would be fun, rewarding, and insightful. I'm not money motivated. I want to spread some wisdom to young men and women who need it (I know I did at that age). I've played the drums for 10 years and recently picked up the guitar. I am a sports guy, although I find my interest has weened in the past few years. I find that football (go Browns), and MMA are the two that reign supreme to me at this point. I used to be in Taekwondo, and plan on joining other martial arts schools as I find them to be incredible opportunities for both physical and mental wellbeing. My best friend is an ENTP who majored in philosophy, so you could say I have a lot of first hand experience and training on how to think in a Ti fashion. I love learning, in particular about philosophy, psychology, sciences, and the world.
In a nutshell, I want to live a life full of meaning and memories. I want to create, inspire, and make the most of my time on this Earth.
This sounds very much like Ne. The pure embodiment of creative freedom you describe is a very good indicator. Which reaches also into the second passage I quoted. You seem to include some Se too, but its postition in the stack doesn't necessarily mean that you would be bad at it. However, the waning interest does imo corroborate it.

The last indicator is actually something you did not speak about too much - the Fi-Te axis. In an ENTP (in the classical sense), Te could well be employed as a counterweight to your Ti, getting you out of your head in order to relate your inner world to reality. The way you glossed over Te-Fi was indeed very amusing, like you are aware of your PoLR, but not of the influence of Te. It does happen among both INFJs and ENTPs (ofc other types too), that they have to deduce what they feel and analyse it in order to process it. Since you have declared yourself Ti-heavy but also seem to exhibit a fair readiness to extravert with Fe, it underlines this is probably your preferred judging axis. If you were an INFJ, for instance, Fi and Fe would almost merge into a mess of emotions that you feel the need to sort out but you still have some control over it. And as a Ti-auxiliary, with Te as counterweight, this also merges into a logical dynamic, which had you miss the mention of Te completely.

Before I get too comfortable with this theory, however, I would ask you a few questions to check for my result: what constitutes your sense of self? What are your needs? Do you give in to them, or are you even aware of them?
There is definitely a fair bit of Ti, Fe, Ne and Si your post, in no particular order.

I don't want to spend too much time on this prologue as I have a habit of being long-winded with respect to my writings.

What I will say before diving into it, is that I am well-versed (I need to slow down on these hyphens), and have a firm understanding on the functions. With much reflection over the years, I have found a few functions I believe I favor. I'll dive into those shortly, but as far as the types are concerned, I believe I have nailed it down to 4 options: ENFJ, INFJ, ENTP, and INTP. The latter would be the least likely, but you may be able to convince me otherwise.
Ti. You are interested in type theory and have done your independent research. You also allow the possibility that you are wrong and are open to being convinced by solid argumentation.

As far as being E/I, I'm cautiously confident in saying I'm introverted. What's interesting though, is that I find myself to be more outgoing and energetic than a lot of people I know to be extroverts.
E, especially if this is your baseline state.

What I will say is that I am always in my own world, contemplating my own experience on Earth.
Ne & Ti.

I'm not reactionary, I'm considerate- to which I move forward in a manner I deem appropriate.

Ne or Ni... This is where you guys really come in. The way I would say my mind works, is like being a spectator of a movie/radio show. There's always a track moving along in my head to which I envision a dialogue with people, revisit a memory, daydream, etc. It's always moving and I have only recently learned to shut it off when with people in the real world (a little bit of meditation and alcohol helped).
Ne & Si.

I see the world as something of a puzzle, piecing together everything which grants me wisdom I am ultimately searching for.

I am and love to be creative. I'm a dreamer. There's a long list of things I want to and plan to do. What I understand is that in order to live these dreams, I must take proper steps to see them come to light. I don't follow a strict guideline, I follow a tentative itinerary. I prefer a loose idea of what's going on, to which I can make the most of the moment in which I live.

Like I said, I love to create. I find I'm happiest when I'm not stuck in a box.

I want to be able to use my mind and create when thinking of potential careers. I've always planned to be a high school teacher, as I believe the career would be fun, rewarding, and insightful. I'm not money motivated. I want to spread some wisdom to young men and women who need it (I know I did at that age).
Ti & Fe.

I've played the drums for 10 years and recently picked up the guitar. I am a sports guy, although I find my interest has weened in the past few years. I find that football (go Browns), and MMA are the two that reign supreme to me at this point. I used to be in Taekwondo, and plan on joining other martial arts schools as I find them to be incredible opportunities for both physical and mental wellbeing.

I love learning, in particular about philosophy, psychology, sciences, and the world.
In a nutshell, I want to live a life full of meaning and memories. I want to create, inspire, and make the most of my time on this Earth.
Ne, Fe, Si.

I hope this dissertation hasn't been too lengthy. I appreciate any and all responses and wish you all the best.

Also, no, it wasn't too lengthy. Don't worry about it.

If your baseline state is outgoing and especially energetic, then I'm fairly certain we can put you down as ENTP.
If not, then we may actually have to do some more work. :grin:
I see where your confusion is coming from. I am not normally one to make such quick decisions, but to be honest, you strike me very much as an ENTP.

This sounds very much like Ne. The pure embodiment of creative freedom you describe is a very good indicator. Which reaches also into the second passage I quoted. You seem to include some Se too, but its postition in the stack doesn't necessarily mean that you would be bad at it. However, the waning interest does imo corroborate it.

The last indicator is actually something you did not speak about too much - the Fi-Te axis. In an ENTP (in the classical sense), Te could well be employed as a counterweight to your Ti, getting you out of your head in order to relate your inner world to reality. The way you glossed over Te-Fi was indeed very amusing, like you are aware of your PoLR, but not of the influence of Te. It does happen among both INFJs and ENTPs (ofc other types too), that they have to deduce what they feel and analyse it in order to process it. Since you have declared yourself Ti-heavy but also seem to exhibit a fair readiness to extravert with Fe, it underlines this is probably your preferred judging axis. If you were an INFJ, for instance, Fi and Fe would almost merge into a mess of emotions that you feel the need to sort out but you still have some control over it. And as a Ti-auxiliary, with Te as counterweight, this also merges into a logical dynamic, which had you miss the mention of Te completely.

Before I get too comfortable with this theory, however, I would ask you a few questions to check for my result: what constitutes your sense of self? What are your needs? Do you give in to them, or are you even aware of them?
Here are the answers to your questions you filthy animal. What constitutes my sense of self? Well, as I alluded to in my post, I NEED space. Which is ultimately what leads me to believing I may be an introvert. It's fair to say that I spend most of my time alone and you know what, want to spend most of my time alone. If you were to ask me what I need in order to be happy this is what I'd tell you; I'd tell you I need intellectual freedom, and I'd like to think that I'm making some form impression on the world. I am by no means meant to sit in a cubicle all day and do the same thing over and over. I am not a robot. If I were alive a few hundred years ago I probably would have been a nomad of some sort, a fisherman, a cowboy... you get the idea. I ultimately seek novelty. I am all too familiar with my needs and that's what the difficult part is, being that in this day in age what I'm looking for is more difficult to live by than in years past. Don't quote me on the last sentence as I'm unsure if I agree with that as of yet haha. To touch upon your Te theory, I really have to dig in the memory bank to think of circumstances in which I readily used Te. It's admittedly difficult, as I try not to delegate people when out of place. It's just not my style. What I may admit to is something of a passive-aggressive use of Te, in which I may simply suggest an option. I'd say it's more of a Te suggestion comes from a place of Ti contemplation, provided I care enough about the situation haha.
I'd tell you I need intellectual freedom, and I'd like to think that I'm making some form impression on the world. I am by no means meant to sit in a cubicle all day and do the same thing over and over. I am not a robot. If I were alive a few hundred years ago I probably would have been a nomad of some sort, a fisherman, a cowboy... you get the idea. I ultimately seek novelty. I am all too familiar with my needs and that's what the difficult part is, being that in this day in age what I'm looking for is more difficult to live by than in years past. Don't quote me on the last sentence as I'm unsure if I agree with that as of yet haha. To touch upon your Te theory, I really have to dig in the memory bank to think of circumstances in which I readily used Te. It's admittedly difficult, as I try not to delegate people when out of place. It's just not my style.
Yeah, called it.
My. Candy. Bar.

Pin be like:


There is definitely a fair bit of Ti, Fe, Ne and Si your post, in no particular order.


Ti. You are interested in type theory and have done your independent research. You also allow the possibility that you are wrong and are open to being convinced by solid argumentation.

E, especially if this is your baseline state.

Ne & Ti.


Ne & Si.




Ti & Fe.



Ne, Fe, Si.


Also, no, it wasn't too lengthy. Don't worry about it.

If your baseline state is outgoing and especially energetic, then I'm fairly certain we can put you down as ENTP.
If not, then we may actually have to do some more work. :grin:
60% through the race and Lady Jolanda is in the lead for the candy bar!