Type 8 (or in Tritype) Childhood


Community Member
Hello peeps,

Finally came back after a while.

I had this nagging feeling at the back of my head for a while. I know that I'm type 6, but the rest of my tritype perplexes me.

Growing up, I had some serious anger issues with other kids. One time, my parents' friends' kids was playing with one of my toys. Being the reasonable and diplomatic, Fairy-dust Shitting Unicorn ENFP 6w5, I responded by politely gnawing a part of his ear off.

But as I got older, I realised I've lost a huge part of this aggressive nature, in favour of a more people-pleasing, wimpy attitude. However it does come out quite often whenever I'm in serious stress, or when I genuinely take offence from someone.

If anyone of you are familiar with me, you would know me as the NF that acts like an SP and even I questioned that before.

Do any type 8s or 8-in-their-tritypes have any childhood memories of being overly loud, aggressive, violent, etc? Of potentially giving another kid stitches for exploiting your own resources? And how have you managed growing up with this nature?

Any input on your experience as a type 8 or someone you know would be greatly appreciated :)
Do any type 8s or 8-in-their-tritypes have any childhood memories of being overly loud, aggressive, violent, etc? Of potentially giving another kid stitches for exploiting your own resources? And how have you managed growing up with this nature?

Any input on your experience as a type 8 or someone you know would be greatly appreciated :)

Type 8, similar childhood and youth overall.

Having my own family is mostly what cured me of this (mostly...). That isn't the only thing, but it's what made the biggest difference. YMMV.
I'm 9w8 but I was a brawler growing up. I wouldn't say I picked physical fights but I didn't shy away from them either. Ok and there may have been one time in hs I slammed a guy into his locker for spreading rumors about me. I always felt a bit different from other girls. Because the girls weren't so aggressive. I don't know exactly what changed but it's a good question. Maybe I just grew out of being physically aggressive and graduated to using my words instead. I grew up in a very angry household so I'm sure that contributed.

But I am pretty mellow these days. I think it comes with age, too. But the aggression is still there under the surface, though I feel it's employed in different ways; being strong willed and determined when the odds are against me.
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Hello peeps,

Finally came back after a while.

I had this nagging feeling at the back of my head for a while. I know that I'm type 6, but the rest of my tritype perplexes me.

Growing up, I had some serious anger issues with other kids. One time, my parents' friends' kids was playing with one of my toys. Being the reasonable and diplomatic, Fairy-dust Shitting Unicorn ENFP 6w5, I responded by politely gnawing a part of his ear off.

But as I got older, I realised I've lost a huge part of this aggressive nature, in favour of a more people-pleasing, wimpy attitude. However it does come out quite often whenever I'm in serious stress, or when I genuinely take offence from someone.

If anyone of you are familiar with me, you would know me as the NF that acts like an SP and even I questioned that before.

Do any type 8s or 8-in-their-tritypes have any childhood memories of being overly loud, aggressive, violent, etc? Of potentially giving another kid stitches for exploiting your own resources? And how have you managed growing up with this nature?

Any input on your experience as a type 8 or someone you know would be greatly appreciated :)
I'm a 1w2 and y'all sound like psychopaths, lol.
I'm a 1w2 and y'all sound like psychopaths, lol.
Now I'm pissed!
Thankful to have avoided most of that growing up but it left a root of bitterness towards people in general as I am burnt out when it comes to human nature in general. My advice to any of the young ones out there is to not only distance from some of the usual types but also not to live their mistakes especially the social types as things like drug use, crimes, and children out of wedlock ect is recipe for a wreck of a life. Also don't absorb/adopt or mirror baggage and flaws that others have as one's own attributes.
I'm 9w8 but I was a brawler growing up. I wouldn't say I picked physical fights but I didn't shy away from them either. Ok and there may have been one time in hs I slammed a guy into his locker for spreading rumors about me. I always felt a bit different from other girls. Because the girls weren't so aggressive. I don't know exactly what changed but it's a good question. Maybe I just grew out of being physically aggressive and graduated to using my words instead. I grew up in a very angry household so I'm sure that contributed.

But I am pretty mellow these days. I think it comes with age, too. But the aggression is still there under the surface, though I feel it's employed in different ways; being strong willed and determined when the odds are against me.

Yeah, interesting. I was reading the comments of a JRE video with Joey Diaz and I’ve noticed that those in favour of *ahem* beating their kids after being abused themselves are so much less agreeable than the other side. Perhaps it’s more of a nurture thing and not necessarily something you’re born with?

When my da was alive, I was spanked a few times and I did end up getting into a few physical fights in Primary School. Over time, I became more passive because High Schoolers went for the abuse of my reputation than my flesh.

Honestly, as a dude, I feel different from literally everyone I’ve come into contact with, male or female. It’s funny, cause I’m an ENFP, yet I’ve always had so little friends and the friends I’ve had were my most valued out of all of them.

I’m neither too ‘hands-on’ to be with the guys nor too ‘feely’ to hang around girls. I sorta occupy this weird liminal space where very few people actually tread into.
Do any type 8s or 8-in-their-tritypes have any childhood memories of being overly loud, aggressive, violent, etc? Of potentially giving another kid stitches for exploiting your own resources? And how have you managed growing up with this nature?
Yes but I was more verbally manipulative than physically angry. I reportedly made adults cry as a child because I spoke to them meanly. A boy once punched me in the gut because he couldn't handle the things I was saying to him. I also once screamed at a playmate over roller skates and also because I thought she was prettier than me and I was disturbed by her facial mole.

I'm sorry, God.

I am still learning about my tritype but I think i'm a 268
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Hello peeps,

Finally came back after a while.

I had this nagging feeling at the back of my head for a while. I know that I'm type 6, but the rest of my tritype perplexes me.

Growing up, I had some serious anger issues with other kids. One time, my parents' friends' kids was playing with one of my toys. Being the reasonable and diplomatic, Fairy-dust Shitting Unicorn ENFP 6w5, I responded by politely gnawing a part of his ear off.

But as I got older, I realised I've lost a huge part of this aggressive nature, in favour of a more people-pleasing, wimpy attitude. However it does come out quite often whenever I'm in serious stress, or when I genuinely take offence from someone.

If anyone of you are familiar with me, you would know me as the NF that acts like an SP and even I questioned that before.

Do any type 8s or 8-in-their-tritypes have any childhood memories of being overly loud, aggressive, violent, etc? Of potentially giving another kid stitches for exploiting your own resources? And how have you managed growing up with this nature?

Any input on your experience as a type 8 or someone you know would be greatly appreciated :)
I've never been particularly violent, but my inner anger might imagine violence, if that makes sense. Typically, I suppress any notions of wanting to annihilate others, and that intensity tends to come out in other ways, in wanting to consume other's thoughts, meet their needs in abundance, etc.
And how have you managed growing up with this nature?
I still cannot figure out my wing, I know I'm a type 8 "Challenger"...
I think now the fact that I face charges that could land me in jail or prison instead of two day out of school suspension really aids in me keeping my shit together lol
I'm 9w8 but I was a brawler growing up. I wouldn't say I picked physical fights but I didn't shy away from them either. Ok and there may have been one time in hs I slammed a guy into his locker for spreading rumors about me.
I was NOT expecting that from you lol
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