Trump's Tantrum

Don't bother with the trolls. Everything about their style reads of children not getting their way, they're just holding their breath to turn purple and pass out, at which point we can drag them away.

Fresh air is coming our way in January. Until then just stay out of the same room as those stinking up the place.
You realize that 70 million Americans disagree with you. If you think that after the last 4 years of name calling. And the burning of innocent people’s business down this last summer. Is just going to dry up and go away. Your delusional. They don’t get it. The working class does not want socialism or communism or globalism. They want to work within a fair system. That works for them not the global community. The fact that the dems will put in obiden. And the sheeple will vote for him shows us that they are just as ignorant as the trump voters. Heaven help us all. Both sides are too ignorant to lead us into a better future. Humanity is nothing but endless problems.
You realize that 70 million Americans disagree with you. If you think that after the last 4 years of name calling. And the burning of innocent people’s business down this last summer. Is just going to dry up and go away. Your delusional. They don’t get it. The working class does not want socialism or communism or globalism. They want to work within a fair system. That works for them not the global community. The fact that the dems will put in obiden. And the sheeple will vote for him shows us that they are just as ignorant as the trump voters. Heaven help us all. Both sides are too ignorant to lead us into a better future. Humanity is nothing but endless problems.
So who might the one true canidate/leader be for President ?

Not being ornery, however, DC hasn't rolled in a great leadership in the supporting offices to the President, i.e. Congress, in many years. I think all government titles should have a term limit with re-election yet hiatus years in between. This may cure the stentch that comes from the idleness that too much repetitiveness brings. :)
Don't bother with the trolls. Everything about their style reads of children not getting their way, they're just holding their breath to turn purple and pass out, at which point we can drag them away.

Fresh air is coming our way in January. Until then just stay out of the same room as those stinking up the place.
They aren't just trolls though. They are preaching conspiracies and I think it's important to still share facts and valid sources to try to prevent the spread of misinformation if one can. If people just stay quiet and allow the conspiracy theories to proliferate we will end up with someone even worse than Trump next time around.
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They aren't just trolls though. They are preaching conspiracies and I think it's important to still share facts and valid sources to try to prevent the spread of misinformation if one can. If people just stay quiet and allow the conspiracy theories to proliferate we will end up with someone even worse than Trump next time around.
I was referring to the one here and those like him. The language used is a strong tell. He's nothing more than a troll reaching to make you pay with your emotions. Let him be.

As for those caught up in the cult-think known as Trumpers... It's going to take time for them to understand. Many of them don't have the ability to be free thinkers, which I find hard to comprehend how that can be, and yet I have friends and family who are among them.

I blame television. It really does suck the brain dry.
So who might the one true canidate/leader be for President ?

Not being ornery, however, DC hasn't rolled in a great leadership in the supporting offices to the President, i.e. Congress, in many years. I think all government titles should have a term limit with re-election yet hiatus years in between. This may cure the stentch that comes from the idleness that too much repetitiveness brings. :)
I never said there was one true president. And I’m not for the government solving people’s problems. People are the problem. And they have to start fixing their problems and stop being victims. We’re not victims that need government to come save us. We need less government. Less regulation on regular folks. And more regulation on large corporations that want to take over our government. And then rule over us as they have been doing most of my life. The real question I ask is is this even possible. Considering that in the past the population was way smaller and it seems that they couldn’t get their shit together either. And so we are just as they were. We need to be our own hero’s. And stop thinking someone else will make it better for us.
I never said there was one true president. And I’m not for the government solving people’s problems. People are the problem. And they have to start fixing their problems and stop being victims. We’re not victims that need government to come save us. We need less government. Less regulation on regular folks. And more regulation on large corporations that want to take over our government. And then rule over us as they have been doing most of my life. The real question I ask is is this even possible. Considering that in the past the population was way smaller and it seems that they couldn’t get their shit together either. And so we are just as they were. We need to be our own hero’s. And stop thinking someone else will make it better for us.
I believe we're speaking about two different objectives.
I don't disagree with your point though, and in some ways it's similar to my point about term limits. If more people got involved perhaps changes we seek will come.
You realize that 70 million Americans disagree with you. If you think that after the last 4 years of name calling. And the burning of innocent people’s business down this last summer. Is just going to dry up and go away. Your delusional. They don’t get it. The working class does not want socialism or communism or globalism. They want to work within a fair system. That works for them not the global community. The fact that the dems will put in obiden. And the sheeple will vote for him shows us that they are just as ignorant as the trump voters. Heaven help us all. Both sides are too ignorant to lead us into a better future. Humanity is nothing but endless problems.

I wouldn't even bother trying to reach these people as it may as well be a cult at this point and this happens with the left time and time again which is why people end up despising them. The hypocrisy against minorities for voting conservative was breath taking and going around accusing people of color of being white supremacist was eye opening as to how far things have gotten.

Here is something the delusional tribalists are going to loathe.

I believe we're speaking about two different objectives.
I don't disagree with your point though, and in some ways it's similar to my point about term limits. If more people got involved perhaps changes we seek will come.
My objective is to save the human race from the delusional belief that others can do for you what you will not do for yourself. Governments just like religions seem to end up ruling over instead of serving those that elect them. And then they say we had an election so we voted for it because they are representing us. They make fancy rules and committees which are only aimed at disenfranchisement of the lower classes. They will always be at the top and we will always be at the bottom as long as we let them rule over us. Who made them the rule makers? We did. And it’s time we started ruling over them.
I wouldn't even bother trying to reach these people as it may as well be a cult at this point and this happens with the left time and time again which is why people end up despising them. The hypocrisy against minorities for voting conservative was breath taking and going around accusing people of color of being white supremacist was eye opening as to how far things have gotten.

Here is something the delusional tribalists are going to loathe.

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This reminds me of a comedian who mused that when he was a boy he realized he could never become strong enough to beat everyone who wronged him up but he might become rich enough to fire everyone who did.

This is the most hilarious thing tbh.
Like this dude is so legit, it shows everyone with more than three brain cells how utterly retarded Drumpf truly is.
My objective is to save the human race from the delusional belief that others can do for you what you will not do for yourself. Governments just like religions seem to end up ruling over instead of serving those that elect them. And then they say we had an election so we voted for it because they are representing us. They make fancy rules and committees which are only aimed at disenfranchisement of the lower classes. They will always be at the top and we will always be at the bottom as long as we let them rule over us. Who made them the rule makers? We did. And it’s time we started ruling over them.

Need to go a step further as people looking to ideologies while giving little to no care as to how their actions affect others is dangerous and anyone can look back to history where millions were seen as being less than human because they were not part of the political tribe. The same is going to happen before long if people don't realize what is really going on.
Need to go a step further as people looking to ideologies while giving little to no care as to how their actions affect others is dangerous and anyone can look back to history where millions were seen as being less than human because they were not part of the political tribe. The same is going to happen before long if people don't realize what is really going on.
That’s my point. That we are the power not the government. We must unite as Americans not political parties. Let both parties fail. And we start a new party. The American public has been left out of the process for too long. And both parties are dividing us so we won’t turn on them. They are responsible for what they have done only if we make them responsible. Too many times politicians get off because someone else in government lets them off. That has to stop. You do the crime you do the time. If the political elite do not have to go to jail then why should we? If they can lie and cheat and steal so can we. They want us weak. So they can rule over us. We are not weak we have all the power. If we unite as Americans against corruption and greed we can have OUR country back. It belongs to us not them. All politicians should be held to a higher standard because they have their hands on the power. Power to the people.
Well, I'm certainly not a fan of Trump, but I gotta give credit where it is due. I hear he's pulling troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, reducing the presence down to 2,500 troops. They can say it's "irresponsible" or "self-serving" all they want, but I say, it's about time! They all need to get out of the Middle East, imo.

If we're going to give Trump props, signing the First Step Act was a significant step forward when it comes to drug reform. I truly believe that everyone in this world (whether purposefully or inadvertently) does something for the good of others.

I simply believe the bad outweighs the good when it comes to Trump's contributions as a whole, but that's my opinion, very much colored by my own beliefs and experiences (and thus perspectives).
That’s my point. That we are the power not the government. We must unite as Americans not political parties. Let both parties fail. And we start a new party. The American public has been left out of the process for too long. And both parties are dividing us so we won’t turn on them. They are responsible for what they have done only if we make them responsible. Too many times politicians get off because someone else in government lets them off. That has to stop. You do the crime you do the time. If the political elite do not have to go to jail then why should we? If they can lie and cheat and steal so can we. They want us weak. So they can rule over us. We are not weak we have all the power. If we unite as Americans against corruption and greed we can have OUR country back. It belongs to us not them. All politicians should be held to a higher standard because they have their hands on the power. Power to the people.

It is just not government when said ideologies are saturating society at every level, people who only see government are in for a rude awakening when this problem smashes it's way into their lives. As for unity it is nice to see that people across class and demographic lines are waking up thanks to this election but the rot goes so much deeper. The dominion software alone should be raising a lot of red flags.
Now for the maximum creepy npc talking heads.

Thank you technology? What once used to roll through the telegraph wires now goes through the internet like a flash. Not much has changed ...

As an example:
KYW’s on-air people — less pontificating and definitely more locally focused than those of my other favorite, the BBC — used a professional, conversational tone and a calm, even vocal delivery. Behind the announcers’ voices and between news items, listeners could hear the cadence of teleprinting machines.

The station used this effect to add drama and credence as well as fill the voids between items as they spaced stories and information pieces apart.

Many radio newscasts in America at that time aired the sound of teleprinters, setting off the news from other program elements. Machines from the Teletype Corp. dominated newsrooms, with the company name placed boldly on the front. Most industry folks just called any printer a teletype machine.
Recently I dug out a 1960s-vintage aircheck (yes, Virginia, before I became an internationally recognized consulting engineer, I’d been a lowly disk jockey). During my news read one can hear the background sounds of teletypes — played off of audio cart — lending a compelling rhythm and aural authority to the headlines.

However, a young girl hearing this tape asked me, “What’s that noise in the background?” Ahh, what youth have missed.

Check the wire

When news on radio was an important program component and not just an interruption in an hour music sweep or rant, teletype machines were standard equipment, as common as a bathroom (although the machines probably were kept in better repair).

This had not always been the case. In radio’s infancy, stations for a time actually were forbidden to air news. Newspapers had forced the regulation into the books; they didn’t want the upstart technology to scoop their headlines or usurp their ad business and readers.

Eventually a symbiosis was reached wherein stations would air the headline and a little of the story, essentially a tease to get people to buy a newspaper for the “rest of the story.” The spread of radio into areas not covered by newspapers and a move by papers toward features and data brought a rescinding of restrictions on radio news altogether.

Stations also began acquiring news using their own resources, looking beyond the newspaper telegraph services or rewritten newspaper copy. Eventually stations started developing their own news services.

But how to get information from many different locations into the station? The answer was the radio news service teletype.

In 1914, the Associated Press had introduced the teletype machine using primarily telegraph wire circuits to disseminate news to and from member newspapers. Eventually membership was opened to radio stations, although few had origination capability...
I want election reform. A normal person cannot run for president because it costs too much money. Candidates should limit their campaigns to low-cost videos on the Internet. We can see them on our phones or computers. They should all receive the same amount of time, and then, they're done. We vote. No more money, no more favors to repay.

Re: Big government, big business. Same thing. Neither serves the average American well. Government officials answer to campaign money. Business owners answers to profits. They both need controls.