Three Gorges Dam could fail soon

Roses In The Vineyard

Well-known member
Decided to make a thread since no one has made a topic about this yet and the lack of reporting in western media so probably no one here knows about it yet. For the past several weeks China has been enduring one of the worst floods it has had since 1949 and this is only the start of the season as the rain is expected to last for up to month. Anyway if the dam fails up to half a billion people could be affected and cities like Wuhan could be flooded.

193 meters or 630ft.

How things have been for the past week.

Decided to make a thread since no one has made a topic about this yet and the lack of reporting in western media so probably no one here knows about it yet. For the past several weeks China has been enduring one of the worst floods it has had since 1949 and this is only the start of the season as the rain is expected to last for up to month. Anyway if the dam fails up to half a billion people could be affected and cities like Wuhan could be flooded.

193 meters or 630ft.

How things have been for the past week.

Thanks for sharing this. You are correct that this is not reported here in the states. Just garbage gets reported here. I was intrigued by the fact that lock downs actually changed the environmental landscape for awhile. China seeing sunsets after many years; Italy having their rivers and canals become more lush with wildlife and clarity. I wonder is this pause the world tried to implement does not have a ripple effect. Thanks for sharing.