Thousands of birds make crash landing in Utah | INFJ Forum

Thousands of birds make crash landing in Utah


Well-known member
Jul 3, 2010
As if I need another reason to hate those "Big Box Stores" and cities.

Thousands of birds died on impact after apparently mistaking a Wal-Mart parking lot and other areas of southern Utah for bodies of water and plummeting to the ground in what one wildlife expert called the worst downing she's ever seen.

And to add to this:

Many species of birds can see in a multiple light spectrum - infrared and ultraviolet for instance - but the prey species lack the depth perception the predators have. So a snowy, icy, wet, foggy surface looks the same as a flat, open body of water to them. Without the depth perception to see the slight differences, a flat, open parking lot can look the same as a body of water in the dark, especially when you add the weather conditions like snow, fog and ice - which is what the article briefly suggested.

In addition to that, a normal, open desert field is full of sagebrush, tumbleweeds and low lying growth; it's anything but flat and open. The only places that occurs out here are in parking lots or other human-developed areas - parks, yards, etc. So... if people didn't pave over everything in creation and "landscape" every bit of nature they see, things like this wouldn't happen.
Wow, that's crazy. Poor birds. :c We are messing with their natural senses. :c
I'm not sure on how just natural this is. If it is, then I am guessing the media has only starting to picked up on it. I will gravitate more towards the changes that the Earth is going through at the moment. The magnetic field seems to be messing around. Regardless, I feel bad for the birds :(