The ying yang test

You Are Brilliant
You have light blue yin. This means you are cool-headed and extremely rational.
At your best, you can remained detached from the world, desires, and emotions. No one can get under your skin.

You have dark yellow yang. You can be very energetic and fired up about your own personal interests.
You can often inspire yourself, and it's difficult to calm down once your mind starts firing.
You Are Savvy
You have peach yin. You are a great communicator, and you can connect with anyone on a variety of levels.
You are outgoing when you need to be, but you actually function best when you can hang back and tap into your intuition.
You have black yang. You are sophisticated and worldly. You have usually seen it all before, and people rarely surprise you. You tend to hold back when you can. You are very selective in what you share with others, and you know how to be both alluring and charming.
Brainy in my own unique way. :mcunni: :m129: :m155:

Then I have a couple of other personality traits not listed under this description. :m076: :m081: :m091: :m105: :m145: :m096:

You Are Brainy


You have dark blue yin. You are knowledgeable and even powerful. You do well in the business world.
You have a serious and even aloof outer shell, and others often don't know how much compassion you have for the world.

You have orange yang. You are open to new experiences and new ideas. You don't pass judgment before fully exploring something.
You are curious about the world, and you spend a lot of time investigating things. You enjoy adventure and venturing into uncharted territory.
You Are Fresh
You have green yin. You are balanced and in tune with what you need most in life. You don't sit by passively.
You enjoy uncertainty and are the first to admit that you don't have it all figured out. You embrace personal growth.

You have white yang. You have a pure view of the world, and you rarely let those around you influence you.
You are a bit of a blank canvas when it comes to life, and you are ready to create. You believe in new beginnings.
You Are Philosophical

You have gray yin. You see the world as nuanced, full of flexibility and compromise. You are very adaptable.
To outsiders, you seem a bit vague and even mysterious. You shift shapes quickly enough for others not to truly get who you are deep down.

You have pink yang. You are expressive and deep. You have your ideals about life, and you aren't afraid to share them.
You are very unconventional and content to do your own thing. You are both a free-spirit and a free-thinker.
You have green yin. You are balanced and in tune with what you need most in life. You don't sit by passively.
You enjoy uncertainty and are the first to admit that you don't have it all figured out. You embrace personal growth.

You have white yang. You have a pure view of the world, and you rarely let those around you influence you.
You are a bit of a blank canvas when it comes to life, and you are ready to create. You believe in new beginnings.
You Are Fresh
You have green yin. You are balanced and in tune with what you need most in life. You don't sit by passively.
You enjoy uncertainty and are the first to admit that you don't have it all figured out. You embrace personal growth.

You have white yang. You have a pure view of the world, and you rarely let those around you influence you.
You are a bit of a blank canvas when it comes to life, and you are ready to create. You believe in new beginnings.
You Are Wise

You have light blue yin. This means you are cool-headed and extremely rational.
At your best, you can remained detached from the world, desires, and emotions. No one can get under your skin.

You have peach yang. You do your best to make things better in the world, and you are very cooperative.
You may have strong ideas and feelings, but you present them in a gentle way. You set an example for others to follow.
You Are Compassionate

You have pink yin. You are intuitive and insightful. You are able to give others what they are missing.
You understand what sort of person you want to be in your life and strive for it as much as you can. You model yourself after those you admire.

You have peach yang. You do your best to make things better in the world, and you are very cooperative.
You may have strong ideas and feelings, but you present them in a gentle way. You set an example for others to follow.
You Are Contemplative

You have yellow yin. You are a very clear and methodical thinker, especially when others are pessimistic.
You aren't necessarily an optimist, but more than anyone else, you can envision how things may go right.

You have green yang. You have a youthful, playful bent to the way you live your life. You are always open to growth and opportunity.
You seek out balance and harmony in your life. You try to avoid getting too much of any one thing... even a good thing.
You Are Savvy

You have peach yin. You are a great communicator, and you can connect with anyone on a variety of levels.
You are outgoing when you need to be, but you actually function best when you can hang back and tap into your intuition.

You have black yang. You are sophisticated and worldly. You have usually seen it all before, and people rarely surprise you.
You tend to hold back when you can. You are very selective in what you share with others, and you know how to be both alluring and charming.

You are Philosophical

You have gray yin. You see the world as nuanced, full of flexibility and compromise. You are very adaptable.
To outsiders, you seem a bit vague and even mysterious. You shift shapes quickly enough for others not to truly get who you are deep down.

You have pink yang. You are expressive and deep. You have your ideals about life, and you aren't afraid to share them.
You are very unconventional and content to do your own thing. You are both a free-spirit and a free-thinker.
You Are Fresh

But how can I be without @hush? :teary:
Bring back @ Fresh!

You Are Philosophical

You have gray yin. You see the world as nuanced, full of flexibility and compromise. You are very adaptable.
To outsiders, you seem a bit vague and even mysterious. You shift shapes quickly enough for others not to truly get who you are deep down.

You have pink yang. You are expressive and deep. You have your ideals about life, and you aren't afraid to share them.
You are very unconventional and content to do your own thing. You are both a free-spirit and a free-thinker.

Yay for my pink, deep yang. :tearsofjoy:
You Are Proactive


You have pink yin. You are intuitive and insightful. You are able to give others what they are missing.
You understand what sort of person you want to be in your life and strive for it as much as you can. You model yourself after those you admire.

You have green yang. You have a youthful, playful bent to the way you live your life. You are always open to growth and opportunity.
You seek out balance and harmony in your life. You try to avoid getting too much of any one thing... even a good thing.
You Are Brainy

You have dark blue yin. You are knowledgeable and even powerful. You do well in the business world.
You have a serious and even aloof outer shell, and others often don't know how much compassion you have for the world.

You have orange yang. You are open to new experiences and new ideas. You don't pass judgment before fully exploring something.
You are curious about the world, and you spend a lot of time investigating things. You enjoy adventure and venturing into uncharted territory.