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The Republican Party Today

Forget big brother, what we all need is big mother. Stores have to hide cigarettes invisible behind metal boxes, alcohol marked up 75%, mandatory driving school that cost 5000 dollars in order to get a license, bank info tied to the tax office so there is no need to fill out your own tax return, etc.

You like socialism? It might be for you. If the thought of it burns your mind, then don't complain about capitalism. No, there is no middle ground - give a capitalist an inch and he'll take a mile.

I don't pay more in taxes than you, but I have free health care, free schools, free universities, state pensions for everybody, the lowest corruption rates in the world, and I get to live in the happiest country in the world. Now, while you're so busy bashing the country that you live in, do you find it unlikely that your country might try to brainwash you into believing false stereotypes about other ways to run a country?
Not only do votes really not matter, but they're only the proverbial putty that politicians use to play games, whoever manipulates the field the best, wins, and gets to gorge themselves on all those tasty tax dollars. If there isn't enough votes, the votes can just be fabricated. It's like watching a football game on tv, it's entertaining, but no matter who wins, it doesn't really help you at all, and you just wasted a bunch of time in front of the tube.
Not only do votes really not matter, but they're only the proverbial putty that politicians use to play games, whoever manipulates the field the best, wins, and gets to gorge themselves on all those tasty tax dollars. If there isn't enough votes, the votes can just be fabricated. It's like watching a football game on tv, it's entertaining, but no matter who wins, it doesn't really help you at all, and you just wasted a bunch of time in front of the tube.
don't forget about the malicious reptoids!
Yeah... sure... malicious reptoids.